Search Results for: cio

Fall: Time for Harvesting Dreams and Planting Goals

I grew up on a farm, so to me, fall means harvest: fruit stands filled to brimming, trucks piled high with ears of corn, hop kilns wafting delicious aromas for miles. Harvest season is busy, but it’s also a good time to take stock of what this year’s efforts have brought so far. Which cropRead… Read more »

Changing the Network Conversation

On August 13, Brocade co-hosted the 2014 Federal Forum with MeriTalk, bringing together leaders in government and industry to talk about changing the network conversation to bring the federal government into the 21st century.  Change can be scary, especially to a community as risk-averse as the federal government – but change is also necessary –Read… Read more »

Staying Hungry for Learning

College, the number one path for preparing for a career, is nothing at all like an actual job. Besides the social acceptability of napping in public, college is about a focused period of voracious learning. Work leaves less time for learning and focuses instead on the daily grind of fulfilling your responsibilities. Creating the spaceRead… Read more »

State and Local Innovators Virtual Summit

From new citizen engagement strategies and mobile apps to doing more with less, state and local governments are continuously finding innovative solutions to really tough issues. There are countless examples of state and local governments leveraging technology and tackling challenges in a proactive, inventive and agile way — and we’re here to highlight them. ToRead… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: Tech

Terms of Service

Terms of Service If you are an employee of the federal government of the United States and are using GovLoop in performance of your official duties, the below Network Terms of Service (TOS) are amended as follows: ■  Government entity: “You” within this TOS shall mean the Agency (“Agency”) for which you work itself andRead… Read more »

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Try Crowdsourcing: No Surprises on Election Day

It’s no surprise that local governments are utilizing crowdsourcing to solve some of their biggest problems. Crowdsourcing, after all, uses some of the same basic tenets as democracy: where the decisions that serve a body are governed by the majority. Crowdsourcing is being used as a means to allocate budgets, cut waste, and solve longstandingRead… Read more »

12 Core Leadership Exercises

The core of your Leadership Mindset rests on the four aspects of the human experience: the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual aspects. When one of those core aspects is weakened, your Leadership Mindset is unable to support the tactics required to accomplish your mission. Remember that day at work when your brain was fried fromRead… Read more »

Climbing Out of the Rabbit Hole

I rejoined the Federal government in 2010 after a 10-year hiatus where I explored opportunities in the private sector. I was lured back into the federal fold by the promise of working on an amazing (and amazingly difficult) project. For the last four years I’ve been working with economists, lawyers, computer scientists, and engineers toRead… Read more »

Fixing USAJobs, Comments Abound

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Are you looking out your window and witnessing a government stampede out the doors? Is your office looking empty? Probably. The Office of Personnel Management reported that more than 114,000 people left the federal government last year – mostly through retirements. To give you a better picture, the 114,000 departures isRead… Read more »

Questions for Thinking Through Collective Impact Strategy

We know many in the NCDD community are interested in collective impact strategies, so we wanted to share a helpful piece on the subject from the blog of one of our newest NCDD members, Beth Tener of the New Directions Collaborative. We encourage you to her thoughts below or find the original here. Several clientsRead… Read more »