Search Results for: research

Outdoor Lovers Flock to The Nature Conservancy

Digital marketing is constantly changing, and to keep pace we’re always researching trends and noting best practices. “Inbound marketing,” a relatively new marketing approach, is gaining popularity because it is cost effective, efficient, and mutually beneficial to organizations and their audiences. It is about drawing people in through quality content and multi-channel engagement, and moving them steadilyRead… Read more »

Is That Really A Problem?

During my time as a GovLoop fellow, I have written 20 blogs about Esri’s geospatial innovations. And if you ask any of my coworkers they would probably think that number is actually small because of how much of a map nerd I am. I love to research and write about how maps are used toRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: GIS

Esri is Now Adding “Health Guru“ To Its Diverse Resume

Thanks to Esri and their famous GIS platform the state of Virginia and retailer Walgreens are now contributing to the health of their communities. If you weren’t already impressed with the location-based system that lets you discover, connect, share, and apply data for community intervention efforts, wait until you read how ArcGIS helped to createRead… Read more »

Better Data, Better Outcomes: Q&A with Los Angeles’ Chief Data Officer

This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, the Open Data Playbook for Government. Download the full guide here. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is serious about using data to solve everyday challenges for residents. So much so that he named former Code for America Co-Executive Director Abhi Nemani the city’s first CDORead… Read more »

5 Moments of Learning Need

How many times have you read something, or taken a training, and almost immediately forgotten what you learned? Don’t feel too bad! The fact of the matter is that we lose 77% of what we learned within 48 hours. Fortunately, there are proven ways to help you retain knowledge. Research from Bob Mosher & ConradRead… Read more »

Are You Making These 4 Mistakes in Your Cover Letter?

A cover letter can be a powerful tool for landing yourself an interview. It can give a better glimpse into your personality and how you’ll fit with the company culture than a simple resume, and it can give you a chance to provide a context around your achievements. A poorly-written cover letter, on the otherRead… Read more »

Morning Groove—5 Rituals To Jumpstart Your Day

With the dog days of summer upon us, waking up can be rough. The National Institute of General Medical Science defines circadian rhythms as “physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment.” Circadian rhythms are controlled by biological clocks, with a “master clock”Read… Read more »

Got EI? Why Emotional Intelligence Matters at Work

Does it ever feel like some people are just “easy” to get along with at work: the boss that really “gets” you, and goes out of her way to develop you; the colleague you love brainstorming with, or the employee who always anticipates what you need from him, almost before you know yourself?  …While othersRead… Read more »

Innovation Entrepreneurs Unite!

You have nothing to lose but your silos! Last month, nearly 200 enthusiastic innovators from more than two dozen federal agencies gathered to share ideas and inspire each other with stories of what they are doing in their agencies. Using “lightening round” presentations, nearly a dozen presenters shared their stories. Andy Feldman from the DepartmentRead… Read more »

But What Is A Medjack?

Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints, any connected or smart device, are woven into almost any fabric of life, including public health and medicine. For example, IoT can be an implanted device such as pacemakers, insulin pumps, or cochlear ear implants. IoT is also an x-ray, MRI, blood gas analyzer, or Electronic Medical Records (EMR). These areRead… Read more »