Search Results for: research

10 Skills You Need for the Job Market

Last week, we discussed tips to land a last minute Fall position. If you’re still trying to find a job or internship, or even if you already have one, it’s important to make sure you’re equipping yourself with the necessary skills for the job market. According to the 2015 Millennial Majority Workforce Study, hiring managersRead… Read more »

Top Takeaways from Some of the Best Fed Twitter Feeds

Continuing my review of federal agency/department use of social media, this week I’m looking at Twitter (missed the Facebook review last week? Check it out here). After reviewing more than 100 Twitter feeds, I learned a lot. Some agencies tweet too much. I know a lot of that is personal preference, but I find itRead… Read more »

Are Any State Governments in the U.S. NOT Corrupt?

“Are there places in America where the outwardly self-virtuous might be able to act in a not-so-obviously-seen amount of on-the-job mischief, and not get caught? Jorge Martinez-Vasquez admits in his world-acclaimed book, Fighting Corruption in the Public Sector, that “corruption is notoriously hard to measure in a precise way.” Findings presented within this report may… Read more »

Are You Choosing Empathy?

There has been quite a bit of conversation about empathy over the past few years. Studies show its benefits in improving relationships, team dynamics and the social development of our children. At the same time, a body of research reveals that empathy often fails when needed most, like after large scale disasters and with peopleRead… Read more »

9 Tips to Negotiate like a Pro

In last week’s GovFem article, I covered the basics of salary negotiation. But come on – you’re awesome! You’re not basic, and you don’t want your job offer to be basic either. So how do you negotiate the terms of your offer like a true pro? Here are a few insider tips and tricks toRead… Read more »

When Heroes Come Home

Each year, more than 200,000 military service members return from active duty tours abroad back to civilian life. These typically young individuals often have little workforce or educational experience outside of the military, rendering them unprepared to integrate into a civilian occupation after coming home. According to a RAND report, unemployment among young veterans inRead… Read more »

Driving Customer Satisfaction in Cities

After slogging through the Great Recession, cities are making a comeback in a big way. Residents have been flocking to urban areas across America to take advantage of jobs, parks, convenience and amenities. Population growth in large cities exceeded 1% on average from 2010 – 2013, and cities gained more residents in the first few yearsRead… Read more »

Civic Innovation: An Introduction

“So, what exactly do you do at City Hall?” This question is always asked at conferences, events, or at parties. Usually as a precursor or follow-up to my elevator pitch — “I’m a civic innovator, I bring best practices and new ways of thinking to City Hall operations. I work on special projects relating toRead… Read more »

Landing the Last Minute Fall Position

Panicking because you haven’t found a fall internship/job yet? Don’t worry. No matter what the season, you’re not alone. Plenty of young people have been in your boat before, myself included, and while it’s always better to start early, there’s still hope for those who waited to apply at the last minute. Whether you’re applyingRead… Read more »