Search Results for: CIO Conversations

The Biggest Obstacle to Diversity: The Knowing and Doing Gap

I have hundreds of conversations with managers and employees around diversity and inclusion issues every year. One of their most frequent questions is “What is the biggest barrier to diversity and inclusion?” The answer is “the knowing and doing gap.” We know a lot about diversity and inclusion. Unfortunately, like most of the world, weRead… Read more »

Learning from the World Café Approach

We are happy to share a helpful write up on the principles and benefits of the World Café approach to meetings and dialogue. It’s a great piece from the blog of one of our newest NCDD members, Beth Tener of the New Directions Collaborative, and we encourage you to read more about it below orRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Pastors, Scientists to Continue “Perceptions Project” Dialogues

The team at Public Agenda, an NCDD member organization, has been reflecting on their experiences facilitating the Perceptions Project – a series of dialogues between scientists and evangelical Christian pastors – in a fascinating series on their blog. We encourage you to read the second reflection on their bridge-building work below, or find the originalRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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How We Ran Our Web Apps Workshop

Zietgiest is a great word which according to Wikipedia means spirit of the age or spirit of the time. I think the spirit of the current digital age could be apps. Apps is very much a blanket term that can cover all manner of software but in this context I am referring to the kindRead… Read more »

Network with a Purpose — And It Will Be Less Awkward!

We’re blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. “How do you feel about networking?” That question was met with mixed results as the afternoon breakout session — Purposeful Networking — began. The session was hosted by David Uejio, Lead for Talent Acquisition at theRead… Read more »

Further reflections from LocalGovCamp and about LocalGovDigital

As you can tell I’m all for imaginative blog post titles 🙂 Anyway what I would like to reflect on is how I believe LocalGovDigital became more real, more present, more about the network and collaboration as opposed to the steering group at LocalGovCamp and how through the conversations at the open steering group IRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Federal Forum Aims to Change Conversation on Networking

Achieving agency missions becomes harder and more complex every minute. But with less money in the budget, many agencies are stuck between the need to deliver new services and the cost of supporting old infrastructure. To break the cycle of dependence on proprietary systems and endless service contracts, agencies need simpler, widely compatible network infrastructureRead… Read more »

Down With the Government Inferiority Complex!

With few exceptions, I have had stellar colleagues aside whom I am proud to work. I’ve worked with teams to achieve tremendous results and quantifiable impacts based on our decisions, projects or action. Without unseemly boasting here, I have always felt that the taxpayer got more than its fair share from my salary. (Most days).Read… Read more »

Distinguishing Collective Wisdom from “the Wisdom of Crowds”

This reflective piece comes from NCDD blogger Tom Atlee of the Co-Intelligence Project. Tom’s original post can be found at The popular book “The Wisdom of Crowds” says a lot about the remarkable accuracy of thousands of people making guesses about something that has a real but unknown answer now or in the future.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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A-Team Edition: CBG Round-up, 06.20.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Social Media in Government: How it works, it’s successes and shortcomings, and what it costs us. FedTech reports on “How Social Media Is Revolutionizing Emergency Response” with “social media guidance for first responders.” Treci Johnson writes in DigitalGov on “Trends on Tuesday: Maximizing Your Mobile Moments,” teasing out the awareness, selling, workforce, product,Read… Read more »