Search Results for: research

Call for ideas: Harvard and FutureGov research into Frontiers of Service in a Networked World

Complete our survey, tag content HKS20 (#HKS20 on Twitter), leave comments to this blog or email me by Friday 26th February to share your thoughts on the current and future use of technology in public service delivery This article has been reposted from FutureGov’s site. The initial deadline for ideas was this Friday 26th February,Read… Read more »

How-To: Do Research on Government 2.0 Using Social Media

[Note: This was originally posted to my blog 7/10/09] Just to be clear, this is not an abstract example. While I employ this methodology for a number of communities and topics, the one I will use as an illustration here is what is generally referred to as “Government 2.0”. Also, you may notice that thisRead… Read more »

AGA Research Study On Governance, Risk and Compliance

AGA Research Study On Governance, Risk and Compliance— AGA is conducting a study on Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) searching for real world application. The survey should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Here is the link to the survey – Thank you!

But where does DoD fit in? Review of Burton Report: Gotta, Mike. “Field Research: Actions to Take On Enterprise Social Networking”

With the DoD lagging behind in the adoption of social media in general, to include social networking, it is not an area ripe for research. Yet, with growing interest and a handful of innovative projects picking up steam, we have a need to apply what has been done on the commercial sector without much understandingRead… Read more »

New BPM market research available from AIIM

Based on the experiences of over 450 BPM users within the AIIM community, this free report details how long the payback period might be and the likely return on investment (ROI) across a number of potential process types. The study also covers the biggest project issues and critical factors for success. Users told us whereRead… Read more »

Research Forum /Patient Information and Feedback Portal

I am exploring the creation of an amputee-specific (and probably upper/lower-specific) patient/researcher portal within the DoD and VA through which patients could be informed about, help comment on and even participate in current prosthetic research. While I am particularly interested in prosthetic arms, this idea could certainly apply to the meta problem of multi-agency researchRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


New Research: Good Gov’t Websites Lead to Trust in Gov

The hot new thing in government is open government, transparency, collaboration, participation . . . watch how often you see those words in memos and news conferences and government tweets. At ForeSee Results, we study how effectively government websites (and private sector sites) are satisfying citizens and how that satisfaction leads to return visits, loyalty,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Looking for Human Resources Practitioners to Connect on GovLoop and LinkedIn for future research….

I will be starting my PhD in Education this fall, with my discipline focusing on (Ok here goes, its long!) – Occupational Studies and Technology with a Focus on Training & Development in Human Resources. I’m going to Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. I’m very excited about this third degree (I also have Bachelor’sRead… Read more »

Research, case studies sought on transparency issues

I earlier posted a list of fundamental questions and dilemmas (which I recently updated) to the GovLoop forum: Update: I put the questions on the GovLoop wiki under the name “Questions concerning government participation.” I’ve been asked to flesh this out with research and case studies. Can members of this network suggest things toRead… Read more »

UK Local Gov Engagement Online Doctoral Researcher ( will be in NYC and DC in April

Dear all, I currently run the Local Government Engagement Online Research Blog in the UK, which is visited by government officials from all around the world everyday. I have been compiling alot of data on which local councils are using social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube) to engage with citizens online. I alsoRead… Read more »