Search Results for: cio

Leverage Scarcity for Success

Several years ago I met an extraordinary gentleman during a seminar I was presenting in Columbus, Ohio. We continue to be friends to this day. But equally as important, he has become a much respected colleague. Brian Ahearn is a certified trainer for the Principles of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini. The basis for theRead… Read more »

Further reflections from LocalGovCamp and about LocalGovDigital

As you can tell I’m all for imaginative blog post titles 🙂 Anyway what I would like to reflect on is how I believe LocalGovDigital became more real, more present, more about the network and collaboration as opposed to the steering group at LocalGovCamp and how through the conversations at the open steering group IRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Is It Time For An Attitude Check?

I recently had a long conversation with a childhood friend whom I haven’t seen for almost five years. She’s had a rough go of life, so it was fantastic to hear how well she was doing – and how much of a positive shift her life had taken. She told me she’d been meditating daily,Read… Read more »

Transportation Security: Back to the Future

Reprinted from The Hill The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued directives for expanded passenger screening at airports as a result of the turmoil and new threat intelligence coming out of the Middle East, especially in Syria and Iraq. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said that he’s told the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to put inRead… Read more »

Failing Technology Projects? Consider Going Agile

Our requirements don’t always represent what we want — at home and on the job. Many of us – or our family members – have had experience working with home contractors. And sometimes, things don’t always go smoothly. Maybe the paint color is a little off. Or the bathroom sink is placed just a littleRead… Read more »

Cloud Lessons from Industry Leaders

It’s well documented that the public sector currently lags behind the private sector when it comes to cloud adoption. In fact, after leaping forward with OPM’s ‘cloud first’ policy, the federal government has started to slow way down. This slowdown has been attributed to a number of factors, such as risk aversion and budget constraints.Read… Read more »

To Trust – or Not

“Trust but verify” was President Ronald Reagan’s mantra during the Cold War. But today, “trust” is a key element to creating effective cross-agency networks to get things done. But what, exactly, is “trust,” and how do you know what to look for? Increasingly, addressing public management challenges requires the use of collaborative networks across aRead… Read more »

3 Tips for Presenting Analysis

This past week I was able to attend a Management Concepts training offered by my Agency focused on presenting data analysis. This was a great three day training that if you ever have the opportunity to take I highly recommend. But as I know training dollars can be thin, I’m going to share some ofRead… Read more »

Federal Forum Aims to Change Conversation on Networking

Achieving agency missions becomes harder and more complex every minute. But with less money in the budget, many agencies are stuck between the need to deliver new services and the cost of supporting old infrastructure. To break the cycle of dependence on proprietary systems and endless service contracts, agencies need simpler, widely compatible network infrastructureRead… Read more »

GSA, OMB, DoD, OPM: CBG Round-up, 07.18.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Three Stories about GSA. How ‘Bout These Apples? The GSA turned a snarky BuzzFeed listicle into an earnest hastag, asking people to share their favorite government structures. Challenges Come of Age. Steve Kelman, writing in FCW, says that government challenges “may be one of the single largest changes in government management in theRead… Read more »