Search Results for: cio

Celebrating GAO’s 93 Years with Some Glimpses into History

Here at GAO, we strive for accountability, integrity, and reliability in the work we do, but the way we do it evolves with time. As the month of July marks GAO’s 93rd anniversary, we thought we would share a few snapshots of GAO’s office culture over the years. The Early Years Back in 1925, ComptrollerRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Your Next Utility Bill? Cloud Computing

Okay, it’s time to pay the monthly service bills. Water? Check. Power? Check. Cloud computing? Check. The cloud is fundamentally changing our relationship to IT, transforming what used to be characterized by the purchase of expensive hardware and software to a utility-type model of pay-as-you-go consumption. This change is taking place at home – weRead… Read more »

Down With the Government Inferiority Complex!

With few exceptions, I have had stellar colleagues aside whom I am proud to work. I’ve worked with teams to achieve tremendous results and quantifiable impacts based on our decisions, projects or action. Without unseemly boasting here, I have always felt that the taxpayer got more than its fair share from my salary. (Most days).Read… Read more »

Distinguishing Collective Wisdom from “the Wisdom of Crowds”

This reflective piece comes from NCDD blogger Tom Atlee of the Co-Intelligence Project. Tom’s original post can be found at The popular book “The Wisdom of Crowds” says a lot about the remarkable accuracy of thousands of people making guesses about something that has a real but unknown answer now or in the future.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Looking Closer at “Mixed Results” in Civic Participation

One our ever-insightful NCDD members, Tiago Peixoto, shared a summary of some important civic participation research that shows that “mixed results” of participation efforts say more when we delineate between “tactical” or “strategic” interventions. We’ve shared Tiago’s piece from his DemocracySpot blog below, and you can find the original here. Social Accountability: What Does theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Looking Closer at “Mixed Results” in Civic Participation

One our ever-insightful NCDD members, Tiago Peixoto, shared a summary of some important civic participation research that shows that “mixed results” of participation efforts say more when we delineate between “tactical” or “strategic” interventions. We’ve shared Tiago’s piece from his DemocracySpot blog below, and you can find the original here. Social Accountability: What Does theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Your Top 10 Tips for Implementing and Using the Cloud: Training Recap

These days, it seems as if everyone is talking about the cloud. Private and public sector organizations are moving their data to the cloud, seeking to gain cost savings and improve efficiency. The buzzword has taken the digital world by storm and transformed how organizations manage their data. Even though cloud is a hot topic,Read… Read more »

A-Team Edition: CBG Round-up, 06.20.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Social Media in Government: How it works, it’s successes and shortcomings, and what it costs us. FedTech reports on “How Social Media Is Revolutionizing Emergency Response” with “social media guidance for first responders.” Treci Johnson writes in DigitalGov on “Trends on Tuesday: Maximizing Your Mobile Moments,” teasing out the awareness, selling, workforce, product,Read… Read more »

Fed Lost 40,000 Employees Last Year – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Faced with private sector competitors, what can the government do to compete in attracting younger workers? Is it money? Recognition? Autonomy? Without a singular solution, one idea seems viable: Activate employees; don’t treat them like baseball cards. We take a look. You can find all of our programs online: andRead… Read more »

5 Steps for Outstanding Leadership You Can Take — Right Now

Learning or experiencing leadership can be daunting. Every day a myriad of new theories and articles appear on what leadership skills a manager should exhibit, or what key phases or words a leader should use to motivate a team, or how better understanding strategies of a long-dead samurai warriors can help make you an exceptionalRead… Read more »