Search Results for: cio

Do You Take Yourself WAY Too Seriously? Probably

“It is easy to be solemn, it is so hard to be frivolous.” ― G.K. Chesterton One thing I have observed about people in information technology. We are WAY too serious. This is probably why people don’t like coming to meetings with us. That, and we have almost no fashion sense. We joke less, frownRead… Read more »

The Process of Absolutely Everything: Powering the Internet of Things

Let’s go through your typical workday. You wake up early, probably to your alarm clock or coffee maker. Maybe you catch up on news by scanning sites and blogs online or on your smartphone during your commute. If you drive, you might use certain apps like Waze to navigate through traffic. When at work youRead… Read more »

Can You Disconnect on Vacation? Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Summer’s here. Are you vacation ready? Can you step away from your phone and disconnect from email? We take a look at how to take a vacation with the Partnership for Public Service’s Tom Fox. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at But upRead… Read more »

Mobile Phones, Without Phone Calls – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Too frequently, small government agencies are stifled by budget cuts, lack of funding, and the fear of being stonewalled by a higher branch. So what can be done? We take a look with the Partnership for Public Service. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights atRead… Read more »

Google Glass: The Next Step in Citizen Engagement?

Below is an excerpt from our Citizen Engagement guide — it’s a great interview with David Fletcher, Utah’s CIO, about some of the state’s new initiatives. Want more on citizen engagement? Then make sure to sign up for Carahsoft’s Fourth Annual Citizen Engagement Seminar on June 19th! At the event, your government peers will shareRead… Read more »

GSA’s Dave McClure and the VA ‘off with their head’ bill – Plus 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: NASA has eyes in the skies, helping to monitor and protect us. Each day, NASA satellites collect and transmit valuable data about environmental conditions on earth, including climate change and the impact of natural disasters. Meet the Sammies finalist who is making it happen. You can find all of our programsRead… Read more »

Digital DIY: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish?

For a host of reasons, many organizations have been taking a Digital DIY (Do It Yourself) approach to pursuing technology initiatives, both externally and internally. Though the motivations for these approaches are understandable and seem logical on the surface, more often than not they are suboptimal strategies that aren’t in an organization’s best interests. ARead… Read more »

A Health System and Government Collaborate to Reduce Preventable Chronic Disease

Diabetes is a complex chronic disease, suggested to be caused by a combination of genetic, behavioral and environmental factors. According to the 2012 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (CDC), 8.1% of the adult population of Chicago is estimated to have diabetes, a trend that has remained relatively unchanged over the past ten years. In lightRead… Read more »

The DorobekINSIDER is honored to be honored – Plus the 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: One of the biggest procurement programs underway is happening at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They are using strategic sourcing to save time, resources and open up the contract to new prospects. So how is it going? We talk to NOAA’s Chief Acquisition Officer. You can find all ofRead… Read more »

I Can’t Leave The House Without My Phone – Can You?

I have a checklist I run through every morning before I leave my house. Keys. Wallet. Laptop. Lunch. You know what doesn’t make the “Don’t Forget Me List?” My phone. Why? The answer is simple: my phone is almost surgically attached to my side. I would never forget my phone. My phone holds the keysRead… Read more »