Search Results for: research

Cybersecurity and the Missing Workforce

Government increasingly spends more time, money, and effort into strengthening cybersecurity. But is government getting the return on such investments that it should? (ISC)2, the largest not-for profit membership body of certified information and software security professionals worldwide, recently released its seventh Global Information Workforce Study (GISWS) in partnership with Booz Allen Hamilton, Cyber 360Read… Read more »

The Power of Progress: The Key to Employee Engagement

What is one thing managers can do to increase creativity, productivity, and commitment by their employees? A recent study by two psychologists, Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, concludes: “If you focus on supporting the daily progress of people working in your organization, you will not only foster the success of the organization but also enrichRead… Read more »

Using the Force in Government

“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…” Actually, this is happening right here in our government. Yes, it’s true: DoD has become the new and modern Death Star! Okay, maybe not quite. But there is a super laser technology now used by the Navy, thanks to Peter Morrison, Program Officer at theRead… Read more »

Simple Ways To Do More With Your Scientific Data

Scientific data is powerful. It drives research on climate change, energy assurance, space exploration, earth science, water monitoring/security, and more. It can unlock the mysteries of the world. Regardless of your focus or affiliation — climate, agriculture, hydrology, conservation, geophysics, or oceans — analyzing, visualizing and sharing scientific data is imperative. On this on-demand training you’llRead… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: GIS

Planning the Data Center of the Future Requires More than Technology Alone

Agencies today are being asked to do a lot with their data. With information generated by new sources – from social media outlets to mobile devices – agencies must store, monitor, organize, access, and, most importantly, make sense of data in a way that allows them to best serve the American citizenry. The data centerRead… Read more »

“Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit”

This nontechnical riddle took me a while to figure out. This saying floats around in the halls and offices of every building. For me, it resounds on all occasions when I have met with management. Agencies’ management is whipsawed between necessary compromise to face budget cuts and changing priorities at the same time. Compromise, inRead… Read more »

Achieving Gender Equity in the City of Boston

Achieving real change, especially around gender issues, requires strong and dedicated leadership. Megan Costello, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement in Boston, said she is lucky enough to have that support. “I am honored to work for a mayor that is so committed to gender equity and equity within the workplace inRead… Read more »

Community Websites Empower Your Members

Organizations are harnessing community features, similar to those found in LinkedIn and Facebook, to empower, collaborate, and establish personal connections with their members. By adding community features, organization leaders can offer discussion threads, blogs, groups, resource libraries, and other features that allow members to collaborate and interact. Students, researchers, SMEs, hobbyists, practitioners, professionals, HR managers—any group with shared interests—can allRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Cha-Cha-Changes at the DoD

Three million plus personnel, across 24 timezones and cyberspace, using millions of tools and technology – the sheer scope of the Department of Defenses’ mission is almost incomprehensible. Add in the pressure of rapidly mounting, evolving threats and the challenge of keeping up-to-date and competitive seems impossible. As systems, technologies, and even the battlefield evolve,Read… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: DoD