Search Results for: cio

Facilitating & Introversion: Tips for Engaging Quiet People

We recently read a great piece on bringing out the gifts of introverted people over at NCDD supporting member Janice Thomson’s blog, Citizenize-Citizenise. Janice has been working with the Chicago chapter of the International Association of Facilitators on developing resources for effectively engaging quieter folks, and we think they could be quite useful to ourRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

More than 90% of Gov IT Projects Fail – Eeek!

We don’t have to tell you about the challenges facing public sector IT – and was just one of the more visible procurement hurdles. The Public Spend Forum has published a study, “Billions in the Balance: Removing Barriers to Competition and Driving Innovation in Public Sector IT Markets,” – and the survey found thatRead… Read more »

What Happens When Our Senior Scientists, Engineers, and Doctors Retire?

More than two-thirds of NASA employees are scientists and engineers, and NASA has one of the oldest workforces in the federal government – many of whom are nearing retirement. So what’s the plan for recruiting new scientific, engineering, and medical leadership talent? Dr. Gina Scott Ligon, along with her University of Nebraska at Omaha colleaguesRead… Read more »

99 Ideas for Making Your Town More Playful from CM

As summer approaches, you may be looking for ways to make your neighborhood, town, or city more fun and engaging. If you are, our friends at CommunityMatters have a ton of ideas for way you can do that! CM recently shared two posts (here and here) with ideas for making your space more engaging andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

New Wi-Fi Virus that Acts as a Communicable Computer Disease

The worst fears of some computer users may be coming true. Researchers from the University of Liverpool have demonstrated that Wi-Fi networks might be susceptible to viruses, which often move quickly through crowded Wi-Fi networks. Not only was this new virus able to spread quickly, but it could also detect weak spots within a networkRead… Read more »

BYOD Does Work – and the EEOC Proved It

The undeniable truth is that technology costs money. Even if the net result is a significant cost savings or improved service delivery, the process nearly always begins with digging into the agency’s proverbial pockets to fish out some seed money. Mobile technologies are no exception to this principle. However, through the right set of policies,Read… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Direction more important than pace

In principle, moving quickly often seems like a good idea but moving quickly in the wrong direction simply gets you to the wrong place fast. Most groups have a high need for quick achievement. We have all heard someone say, “Enough talk, let’s just do something!” And we have all seen groups charge off quicklyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

What Do Alien Invasions, David Duchovny and Mobile Device Management (MDM) Have in Common?

I want to begin this post with a quick preface: I am not a sci-fi movie aficionado. However, when the opportunity arises, I can’t pass up an entertaining film – especially a slightly outdated one that reminds me of how ridiculous popular culture of the late 90s and early 2000s really was. So when aRead… Read more »

Your Cybersecurity Problem is a People Problem

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER was held Wednesday. We host these events once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas — because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Listen to the full archive below, and read a brief recapRead… Read more »

On the Frontlines of Government’s Technological Transformation

In 1975 we saw the invention of the personal computer. In 2002 the first wave of smartphones hit the market. In 2008 the federal government considered cloud computing for the first time. James Sills has been witness to it all. And for the past five years, Sills has been the chief information officer for theRead… Read more »