Search Results for: plain language

“A Tapestry of Data”: Open Legislation with The State Decoded

The State Decoded is a proposed open government data platform — currently in development — aimed at providing free online access in interoperable formats to U.S. state codes, and, where possible, at connecting such codes to pending legislation and court decisions. On June 22, a Knight News Challenge grant was awarded for The State DecodedRead… Read more »

Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications [Live Blog from Paris]

Good morning. I am live blogging from the Ministry of Finance in Paris, France, where I am participating in an event hosted by the Institut de la Gestion Publique (Institute for Public Management). This marks the 10th year of an annual event and this year’s theme is “Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications.”Read… Read more »

Eliminating Websites, Consolidating Others = Better Customer Service!

Last week, the White House announced a new initiative to get a handle on the rampant proliferation of government websites. They put a 90-day freeze on granting any new top level domains (e.g.,, and they are requiring all agencies to review their websites and determine those that can be abolished, consolidated, and/or improved. AgenciesRead… Read more »

Backlink Bartering: How interlinking among government sites can help get our web content found

The following post is expanded from my original post on May 23, 2011, to the Federal Web Content Managers Forum: As a fellow govie from GSA quoted the other day: “We fellow govies should support each other’s work” and no one more so than those of us working in digital content and the Internet. TheRead… Read more »

Do You Hear Bells?

About 10 years ago, I helped a colleague build a case that managing government websites is “inherently governmental.” A-76 (OMB Circular A-76: Performance of Commercial Activities) was rearing its head again, and some agencies were asking the question: could web management be done more efficiently and effectively by the private sector? A few agency webRead… Read more »

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Friday Fab Five: Chernobyl, SpongeBob, and the Side-Effects of Tech

Wait! Don’t take off for your big weekend plans just yet! You forgot to read the… Friday Fab 5! I know, I know, you wouldn’t actually have left without reading it first, right? In any case, it’s time to take a look back at this week on GovLoop and pay tribute to some great content.Read… Read more »

10 Ideas on Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service

On Wednesday, President Obama announced an Executive Order to “Streamline Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service.” I agree that citizens’ expectations of government are increasing and I think having focus on energy on the topic is really important. The good news is there is a lot of examples/ideas for agencies out there across government. Here’sRead… Read more »

Project of Week –

I ran into a few months back and I thought it was a fascinating government-sponsored health site with a really innovative model of how it syndicates content. Thus, I reached out to here a little more about the project and here we go…Thanks to HHS team for taking the time to tell us theRead… Read more »