Search Results for: research

Transparency Camp thoughts: an ode to basic research

Several people have asked me what I took away from Transparency Camp, an “unconference” held this past weekend here in DC (read the Twitter stream to get an idea what it was like). I did get a few concrete facts out of it, but fundamentally to me, it was all about basic research, not applied.Read… Read more »

2009 iGov Research Institute, University of Washington and Seattle,

Sharon Dawes informs me that doctoral students from all countries are invited to apply for this week-long, intensive residential program on the impact of information and communication technologies on government and governance. The iGov Research Institute is a program of the Center for Technology in Government at the University at Albany/SUNY and is supported byRead… Read more »

McCrindle Research on Gen Y

Generation Y has a reputation for little company loyalty and poor job commitment. Clearly Generation Y have a shorter tenure in a job but the cause isn’t so much a lack of loyalty or commitment but a desire for variety, challenge, and change. This high job mobility is not just a factor of being young,Read… Read more »

Cracking Encryption: The Quantum Threat

Quantum computing offers great promise but also great risk, and current encryption standards are especially vulnerable to the quantum threat. There are actions that agencies can take today, however, to safeguard their systems.