Search Results for: cio

Learning from the NH Listens Initiative

Our partners at CommunityMatters recently shared a wonderful blog piece about the continuing success of a dialogue initiative in New Hampshire called NH Listens. NH Listens is an NCDD organizational member, and the author of the post, John Backman, is an NCDD Board member. We hope you’ll take a moment to read about this innovativeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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The Evolving Cyber Threat – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Twenty years ago the government created the role of the Chief Information Officer. But now, two decades later, there’s still a real disconnected between procurement and IT. So what can and should be done? Insights from the Public Spend Forums, Raj Sharma. You can find all of our programs online: DorobekINSIDER.comRead… Read more »

7 Lessons in Addressing Racism from Everyday Democracy

Our organizational partners are Everyday Democracy have been working for 25 years to make racial equity a central piece of their work in dialogue and deliberation, and they recently condensed some of the key insights that work has taught them. We learned a lot from ED’s lessons and share their belief addressing racism in ourRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Social Media Reality Check: Four Mental Shifts Leaders Need to Make

I have previously written about the 5 Main Barriers to Digital Engagement by organizations, their leaders, and other senior professionals. These barriers include lack of knowledge and understanding of social and digital technologies, framing that leads to risk aversion, poor/no roadmaps, and inadequate resource allocation. A related issue involves concerns over the ROI of socialRead… Read more »

From Drug Dealing in a Federal Prison to Crowdfunding Diplomacy: Your NextGen Speaker Contest Winners!

Remember back at the start of April when we asked you to help us decide the five finalists who would speak in a series of lightning talks at NextGen? Well, you more than delivered. From over 150 entries and 1,800+ votes, we now have the five people who have been selected to share their storyRead… Read more »

Insights on Public Problems, Deliberation from Martín Carcasson

Earlier this week, our organizational partners with the Kettering Foundation published an insightful interview with NCDD organizational member and public deliberation guru Dr. Martín Carcasson. Martín’s insights on public deliberation and civic infrastructure are rich, and we encourage you to read them below or find the original interview by clicking here. When Martín Carcasson firstRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The New Civics Grant Initiative

We recently came across a grant opportunity from the Spencer Foundation that we think would be an excellent match for some of the folks in the NCDD network. The New Civics grant initiative offers two levels of grant funding to apply to projects in civic education and action, as well as a third category forRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Innovative Journalism Can Take Public Conversation to Scale

We have barely begun to use major media and journalism – both old and new forms – to scale up the impact of powerful public conversations about public issues beyond the rooms and online forums where those conversations take place. Our societies urgently need innovations and development in the area of public conversation journalism inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Rise of Data – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Open data is no longer just a fad. We’re now living in a world that demands government data be open to the public. So how can agencies cope? Last year the Sunlight Foundation came out with their Open Data Policy guidelines. The goal of the guidelines was simple: get government startedRead… Read more »

Structure in Threes: Budgeting and Planning -observations and muses

The beatings will continue until moral improves, or so goes the typical planning cycle each year. Although being an observer of the process in many enterprises for 30 years and a unwilling participant at times, I would classify these activities as anything but planning. These are more like the High School Senior Prom with allRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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