Search Results for: research

Utilize Internet of Things in Your Agency

GovLoop’s 4th Annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit is next week!! In anticipation of our all-day event, each week we’ll share snippets of information that will be elaborated on throughout the trainings. The free summit will be on April 22nd, starting at 10 AM ET — be sure to check out the schedule and register soRead… Read more »

Turning Service Into a Career

It’s National Volunteer Week and as a former AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps member, that makes it a pretty special time for me. I donated ten months of my life right after college to national service. From August 2013 to May 2014, I got to travel the country while experiencing what working for a government agencyRead… Read more »

Say What? Congress Works Together for Cyber

Everyday, cyberthreats are growing in number and sophistication. As each new exploit is exposed, it leads one to wonder what else is vulnerable in the federal government’s vast network architecture. And with limited resources and trained personnel, it is increasingly difficult for government to keep up with the advanced capabilities of cyber adversaries. In response,Read… Read more »

Taking the risk out of your tax refund process

Written by Neli Coleman, Director of Product Management for Experian Public Sector According to a May 2014 Governing Institute research study of 129 state and local government officials, 43 percent of respondents cited identity theft as the biggest challenge their agency is facing regarding tax-return fraud. Nationwide, stealing identities and filing for tax refunds has become oneRead… Read more »

Meet GovLoop’s Featured Bloggers!

Last month, we put out a call for our fourth round of GovLoop Featured Bloggers – and you responded with amazing enthusiasm. Over 100 people from all walks of government and industry life sent in great ideas for posts, about everything from technology challenges in city government to using Twitter to monitor food safety in yourRead… Read more »

Innovation: What The Feds Think

Innovation is a big buzzword all over the business world. It’s taken off in the private sector, with companies such as Apple or Tesla constantly pushing boundaries in terms of creativity and delivery. In these organizations, there is a culture of innovation, where it is encouraged and rewarded. But what about the public sector? WhatRead… Read more »

Cybersecurity Is Everyone’s Problem – Even Yours

When you hear about a cyber breach, you probably wonder if your credit card has been compromised. But that’s it. Unless you are in the security field, a cyberattack can often feel like someone else’s problem. And that feeling is true in the government as well. Don’t believe it? Check this out: cybersecurity policies areRead… Read more »

The Haves and the Have Not’s

Throughout society, there have always been those who have. ..and those who don’t have. While many Americans believe the poor can rise up from the bottom, statistics show the majority do not. “One of the hallmarks of the American Dream is the belief that anyone who works hard and plays by the rules can achieveRead… Read more »

Should You be Resting at the Seat of Information Technology?

Take a seat. With technology adapting both easily and quickly to an organization’s needs, what else would you need to achieve a business transformation? You don’t have to go that far to find the right implementation with technology front and center, and in today’s hybrid fashion, understanding the process for today and tomorrow is easyRead… Read more »