Search Results for: research

Women in STEM: A Long Way to Go and a Short Time to Get There

Women of color who are trying to break into male dominated fields in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) face both racial and gender bias. Katherine Phillips, the Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics and Senior Vice Dean at Columbia University’s Business School has another term for this condition after surveying and interviewing 617Read… Read more »

The New Health Craze: Data!

The world is awash with new health technologies – Fit Bits, iPhone apps, nutrition trackers, heart rate monitors. Even healthcare, one of the most slow-moving, risk-averse sectors, is starting to see the potential of using data to improve outcomes. The government has begun to understand the advantages to digitizing health records, and to implement programsRead… Read more »

Agency Heads Need Mentors, Too

Top executives require advice about their leadership styles and operating environs – in government as well as in the private sector. How do they get it? Suzanne de Janasz and Maury Peiperl interviewed dozens of corporate executives over the past two years to understand how “new CEOs in large organizations gain access to seasoned counselRead… Read more »

The Next Generation of Open Data

These days, it seems like people are obsessed with numbers. It’s often thought that numbers and statistics are the most powerful source of data. With hard numbers, you can create visuals and graphs to prove your point. No one can dispute your hard data claims. Right? However, there’s a strong argument for moving away fromRead… Read more »

Innovation: A Dirty Word in the Federal Government

The Partnership for Public Service, Deloitte and the Hay Group, as part of an analysis of the 2014 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government data looked at innovation trends from the eyes of federal employees. The results released in April 2015, were not surprising. Innovation is a dirty word in the federal sector.Read… Read more »

Pursue Your Passion & Secure Your Invitation

Invited to an up-coming hiring event? Have the qualifications, the degree, the willingness to succeed, and even the security clearance, but lack the know-how’s of impressing a hiring manager? Regardless of where you are in your career, we can all get better when it comes to making a great first impression and securing the jobRead… Read more »

More Money, More Problems?

Not to sound greedy, but getting more money is never a bad thing. But it also raises questions such as, what should be done with that money? Where are our priorities? The Obama Administration recently released its 2016 budget proposal, and the good news is that there were significant increases in IT spending allowances. ButRead… Read more »

Food for Thought: A Conversation with Orioles Team Nutritionist Sue James

Without knowing the context, when the New York Times quoted Yankees general manager Brian Cashman saying, “We’re trying to build a more perfect beast,” it’s unlikely the average person would know he was talking about nutrition. Yet the Yankees are not the first team in Major League Baseball to bring a nutritionist onto the roster.Read… Read more »

Creating a Performance-and-Results Culture in Your Agency

How do you create a performance-and-results culture in your agency? Background. Over the past two decades, the performance movement has made steady progress. It has resulted in a focus on performance and results via strategic and annual operating plans, a supply of performance information to track progress of these plans; a demand for performance informationRead… Read more »