Search Results for: cio

Civilizing Online Discourse by Expanding “Like” Button Options?

If you were wondering with us recently about how online comments sections can be made more civil, we encourage you to check out a savvy new tool that our organizational partners at Public Agenda are experimenting with. PA has embedded a “reader reaction button” – an evolutionary leap forward from Facebook’s “like” button – intoRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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In The Post-Snowden World, Security Is Ever Changing – Plus The 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Most people acknowledge the federal government’s civil service system is pretty much broken. It has been called woefully inadequate for the challenges of the 21st century, and frankly one of the biggest impediments to creating the best government possible, that’s the assessment coming from a new report from the partnership forRead… Read more »

The Quiet Crisis – Gov’s Woefully Inadequate Pay System

“Money, money, money” – that’s often the refrain you hear from federal civil servants, who feel they don’t get paid enough. Not nearly enough. Chris Dorobek calls the pay system, “woefully inadequate for the challenges of the 21st century.” A new report from the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton agrees. The reportRead… Read more »

CM Call on Sustaining Neighborhoods this Thurs.

Our organizational partners at CommunityMatters are hosting another one of their great capacity building calls this Thursday, April 10th, from 4-5pm EST. NCDD is a partner in the CommunityMatters collaboration, and we encourage you to hop on the call and learn with us. This month, the call is focused on Building and Sustaining Vital Neighborhoods.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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States Double Down On Cloud Computing – Don’t Miss The Train

“Cloud computing has changed the way that CIOs procure goods and services in the government. The cloud computing train left the station a long time ago, it is more than past time for governments to fully jump on board.” – Meredith Ward. More than 74% of state CIOs say they have at least one applicationRead… Read more »

Four Ways To Improve Procurement

Last year, in the midst of the’s troubled launch, President Obama said government IT procurement needs to be blown up and built anew. But how do you blow up federal procurement effectively? troubled procurement wasn’t the only high profile acquisition failure out there; there have been others. What changes actually need to beRead… Read more »

A New Way To Run For Office – The Open Sourced Way

The definition of, of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So that begs the question is there a better way to create a political platform? David Cole is a 28 year old software developer who spent 2 years working at the White House as a Deputy DirectorRead… Read more »

Security in the Post-Snowden World – Plus Your 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The federal IT landscape is shifting. Now more than ever, contractors and the federal government alike are looking to buy and sell government services, not hardware. Think cloud computing over data centers. But the shift is causing some problems, because the federal procurement system simply isn’t set up to handle thoseRead… Read more »

When your employees go too far on social media…

I recently did some work for a client that involved looking into recent Canadian legal cases dealing with employees that have been either fired or reprimanded for their conduct on social media platforms. I ended up using some of these cases as examples in an internal training program I developed for employees on “responsible digitalRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Avoid The BORING, 7 Ways To Making A Rocking Panel – Plus Weekend Reads!

We have all been there, stuck watching what seems like an endless panel, with panelists that drone on and on and on and on. There is no escaping the boring. What’s worse, you walk away without any new insights or understanding. Basically the entire thing was a waste of time. These horrible panel discussions makeRead… Read more »