Search Results for: cio

The President’s Budget Is Out – The 7 Stories You Need to Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The White House released its fiscal 2015 budget proposal on Tuesday. The budget aims to “put a stop to short-sighted cuts to government operations” and to expand funding for federal-employee training. But the President’s budget begs the question, will any of this happen? We know that Congress appropriates the funding forRead… Read more »

PBP News: Funding Priorities & the 3rd Int’l PB Conference

I personally am a big fan of the work being done by our friends at the Participatory Budgeting Project, and they made two pretty exciting announcements recently that we wanted to share with you. First, as an exercise in walking the talk, the PBP asked its donors to decide how they should spend the moneyRead… Read more »

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Telework Yields $32 Million in Snow Day Savings – Plus The 7 Gov Stories You Need To Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If you imagine government in its ideal form, it would have very few overlapping programs and departments. It would be a lean, mean, efficiency driven machine. But that government ideal is difficult to create. We look at how to optimize shared services with Deloitte. But up front: The Obama administration’s fiscalRead… Read more »

There’s No Match.Com for Mentorship

Dating sites spout all sorts of algorithms on love. They say if you join their dating service, their computers will crunch the numbers and find you the perfect match. Sometimes it works. But when it comes to government mentorship, finding the right person isn’t so calculable. There is not a match making algorithm for mentorship.Read… Read more »

More Communication, Collaboration Needed in Federal Cybersecurity

By Jeff Ghelerter and Curtis Cote The numbers are astonishing. There are around 70 million cyber-attacks on the Department of Defense per week, or roughly 115 per second, and the National Nuclear Security Administration matches those numbers. Cyber-attacks on the federal government increased 782% between 2006 and 2012, and 66% of security breaches go undetectedRead… Read more »

2014 Public Participation Interviews: John Lewis on Outreach

We recently started reading a terrific interview series from the talented team at Collaborative Services on public participation lessons they have learned in the last year, and we wanted to share their insights with the NCDD community. The third interview in the series features the reflections of John Lewis of Intelligent Futures, who shares insightsRead… Read more »

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Is the Internet of Things a Thing for Gov – Plus the 7 Gov Stories You Need To Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: “You’ve been hacked.” That is the line that every person dreads waking up to in their inbox. But securing your identity and your privacy is no easy task. The government has been using identity and access management tools for years, commonly known as IAM. IAM uses a four part verification processRead… Read more »

New Step for Harwood’s Public Innovators Initiative

We are pleased to share the announcement below about an exciting and ambitious initiative being undertaken by Rich Harwood and the Harwood Institute, an NCDD organizational member. The Harwood Institute is setting bold goals for its Public Innovators program, which you can read about below or in the original post here. We are also excitedRead… Read more »

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