Search Results for: research

Automating your Identity and Access Management System

The following post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent executive research brief, Transforming Agency Security with Identity and Access Management. In the brief, we discuss the importance of consolidating and automating IAM systems to better secure information at government organizations. The first step to securing user accounts and privileges at your agency is to consolidate all currentRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Big Hopes For Big Data

Big data is a versatile tool for the government to examine what is happening in our country on a minute level. Big data can tell you anything – from statistics on population, to federal spending, and all the way to density of commercial businesses such as coffee shops. This month’s DorobekINSIDER Live, called “Should YouRead… Read more »

Improving the Efficiency of FOIA at the EPA

The following is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest industry perspective on information governance. To read the full thing, head here. The EPA’s mission is to protect human health and the environment. To accomplish that, officials must be able to provide information and data to researchers, policymakers and citizens when they need it. This means the agencyRead… Read more »

Workplace Romance: If Loving You is Wrong…

A place where we share a common interest, and spend most of our time: The workplace. It provides the perfect prospect for love. In the workplace, proximity and people grow connections that can go way beyond just having lunch together. However, those who develop workplace romances may cause damages to morale and productivity in theRead… Read more »

4 Reasons to Benchmark Against the Private Sector

I’ve always found it a bit disheartening how far-removed some government departments seem to be from any semblance of performance-based accountability. I ask, “would these folks survive a day out in the real world if there was an ounce of competition?” Considering that I work for the government as well, I have to assume that othersRead… Read more »

A Simple Twist of Fate

“Watch out for a simple twist of fate.” – Bob Dylan Sometimes in life you are presented with a situation, a happenstance, a chance. You are given a set of circumstances and told to make the most of it. Three years ago, I found myself in one of those situations. I had just joined aRead… Read more »

Don’t Fight the Email Laws – Know Them!

You probably already know that email marketers must abide by certain laws when sending messages for any commercial reason. But did you know that the sending of messages on behalf of a government entity is governed by additional rules and regulations? Learn the fundamentals of these requirements and the basics for implementing them into your… Read more »

Help Government, Help IoT

Yesterday, my colleague Emily and I took a field trip to Gaithersburg, MD to visit the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The agency, along with US Ignite, hosted the Global City Team Challenge Tech Jam which partners government leaders with innovators tackling civic problems with cyber-physical systems (CPS). CPS are physical objects–anything from parking metersRead… Read more »

Convergence: The First Step to the Internet of Everything

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, Aristotle said, long before the Digital Age was a possibility. And yet his observation applies today perhaps more than ever. The proliferation not only of technological devices, but also their capabilities and interconnection holds new levels of promise for improving the lives of people allRead… Read more »