Search Results for: research

Healing PTSD with Virtual Reality

Time is running out. I need to make my way to the safe house before the bad guy gets me. I finally find my way through a maze of obstacles to reach the door. But it’s locked. As I desperately fumble through my pockets, I realize I forgot the key. The bad guy begins toRead… Read more »

GovCMS Launches in Australia

The launch of GovCMS for Australian Government websites is upon us for February, 2015. Whilst GovCMS promises to deliver a centralised content management framework for Australian Public Sector websites, a call for industry comment showcased some concern.

Open Sesame – Utah Renovates Open Data Gates

Let me make one thing clear: Utah has been in the open data game for years. But now, with their new open data catalog, they are streamlining the process and making it easier for users to find the right data sets. David Fletcher, Chief Technology Officer at the Utah Department of Technology Services, told meRead… Read more »

Password Playground

Everyone loves their downtime. However, what we don’t consider is the wasted time and productivity loss as we wait to get access to the things we need to do our jobs effectively. We’ve all experienced it before; as a user we need to request access, that request is routed to the appropriate approver, and dependingRead… Read more »

The Rise of the Millennials

It was not the lead headline on local news feeds and barely made a ripple in the national press. Yet last month, at least according to the US Census Bureau, millennials, 75.3 million strong are now the country’s largest generation outnumbering Boomers who slipped to second place among generations at 74.9 million. While most ofRead… Read more »

5 Storytelling Best Practices at the Heart of Humans of New York

Everyone is talking about Humans of New York. It’s a success story worth the airtime. It’s also an inspiration that can help you find the heart in your storytelling and communications. Recently, Brandon Stanton, who runs the popular photography blog, shared a photo of a 13-year-old boy who attends school in one of the mostRead… Read more »

Why We Need To Enhance Resilience

A few weeks ago I started reading Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free and began to think more than ever about the need to enhance resilience. Granted, miners accept the obvious risks of entering a mine so their need toRead… Read more »


A web-based portfolio is your creative suitcase and a critical part of your web presence. Pack it carefully and your portfolio becomes the visual component of whatever story you want to tell. The creativity that you unleash by packaging your portfolio will spark further innovation. Protect that spark. It may well be what your currentRead… Read more »

The Power of the Drip Part 2: Email Personalization and Relevancy

Developing a clear picture of the types of email subscribers you have is key to tailoring your messages to address the specific needs of each audience member. This means abandoning the traditional approach that “blasts” the same, long message filled with disparate content to your entire audience on a pre-determined schedule and employing a new… Read more »