Search Results for: cio

Blending Public Sentiment, Data Analytics, Design Thinking and Behavioural Economics

Originally published at The Thinker by Darwin Bell Last year I wrote a lengthy piece that argued that understanding the future of evidence based policy meant understanding the confluence of big data and social media (See: Big Data, Social Media and the Long Tail of Public Policy). Today I want to further qualify myRead… Read more »

It’s Not Too Late! You can reach your goals in 2014.

When I entered the gym, it was virtually deserted except for one lone person riding the elliptical. The exercise goal for the people who crowded the gym on January 2, 2014 appeared to be over…at least at my gym. Do you have a “dearly held” goal – one that at the beginning of January youRead… Read more »

Improving Deliberation on Health Care

We wanted to share this thought-provoking commentary on a recent study on health care opinions conducted by our friends and partners at Public Agenda and the Kettering Foundation. As our nation continues to grapple with reforming our health care system, we in the engagement community have a special role to play in helping our communitiesRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Why America’s Path to Economic Prosperity Relies on Data

The industrial revolution profoundly changed the socioeconomic and cultural landscape of society. The breakthroughs in manufacturing, creation of new products, workforce changes by the movement to create unions to create workers rights, new forms of government regulations, and the emergence of new markets, this was all shaped and sculpted by the technological advancements of theRead… Read more »

Innovation Designed, Why Visuals Matter – Plus your Weekend Reads!

When you think of well designed and easily accessible websites, government examples probably don’t come to mind first. You probably think of Apple or CNN, but that is what the VA Modernization Team is trying to fix. The team is part of the second round of the Presidential Innovation Fellowship program, and their goal isRead… Read more »

Enhancing Engagement with Textizen

Are you looking for creative and effective ways to keep people engaged in your engagement projects? Then we have something you might want to look into. We have been following the development of something called Textizen – an ingenious, text-based platform designed to help facilitate public engagement that emerged from a collaboration between Code forRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

What Motivates Fed Buyers to use GSA Contracts?

Unless you fully grasp your buyer , and their motivations, then you may struggle to sale to them. This holds true in the federal market. Contracting Officers and Procurement Specialists follow the greatest rulebook ever when it comes to procurement guidelines. There is seriously so much “Red Tape” that I am now amazed that theRead… Read more »

Confronting Institutional Inertia

Recently, Matthew Burton, former Acting CIO and Deputy CIO of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, posted an excellent series of blog posts documenting his experiences and lessons as a CFPB IT executive. While the technical details and personal insights are the most valuable aspects of his posts, I’d like to focus on a couple ofRead… Read more »

Do government workers need “resilience training” to be able to do their jobs? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: By now we have all seen the advertisements for Google Glass, Fitbitand the Galaxy Gear. These futuristic technologies are making a name for themselves in the marketplace. You can track your calories, make calls and search google all from tech attached to your wrist or glasses. But can these techs makeRead… Read more »

Community Participation in Racial Justice Efforts

As we reflected this week on the meaning of Martin Luther King’s example for our work, we took quite a bit of inspiration from one of the stories shared in the most recent newsletter from our partners at Everyday Democracy that we wanted to share with you. The story of this Virginia town’s struggle toRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized