Search Results for: research

What Gov & Taylor Swift Have in Common

Police dash cams are important for things such as transparency, security, and incident documentation/verification. You know what they’re also great for? Video evidence of cops belting out Taylor Swift tunes. In a time when police officers need all the good publicity they can get, the Dover, Delaware Police Department posted a video on their YouTubeRead… Read more »

6 Audiences to Consider When Communicating Your Agency Messages

The Plain Writing Act of 2010 and Executive Order 13563 both require that we communicate clearly, accessibly, consistently so that government information is easy to understand. The principles of plain language help us provide universal access to government information, for many people. We’re told to “write for average comprehension,” when we use those principles. So,Read… Read more »

Stop Sitting

Society is based on sitting. We sit in school; we sit to eat; we sit to read; we sit in traffic; we sit to work. It is estimated that more than half of the average American’s waking life is spent sitting. For most federal employees, I believe that number is even higher. I have 27Read… Read more »

Your 3 Step Process for Tackling Complex Projects

Ever been tasked with a new project that you find challenging? Maybe your supervisor recently stopped by and asked you to craft a new communications plan, research information governance policy, or write a memo on some pending legislation. When these situations occur, no matter your job title, you become a researcher. And to get smartRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Career

Facts & Myths about Training

In last week’s post, Why Mandatory Training Rocks, I asked GovLoopers to weigh in on whether a few statements about learning are facts or myths. Here are the results and some supporting evidence.  Thanks to all who participated. 1. Participants have to like training to learn from it (Myth) @ryanburdick wrote, this one’s “a weird place betweenRead… Read more »

7 Ways Government Employees Differ from Private Sector Employees

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 17% of working Americans are employed by the public sector. Here on Govloop, we all know what makes us different than private sector employees, but what does the research say? A look at the available research revealed 7 surprising (and not so surprising!) ways that government employeesRead… Read more »

Look Out, Guys… Sexism Hurts Your Career Too

Here at GovFem, we’ve been highlighting the implications of being female in the government. Women in government have a unique experience that needs to be talked about, so that we can work towards a more inclusive government for all. But what about men? Where do they come in when we talk about gender discrimination inRead… Read more »