Search Results for: cio

Creating a Culture of Helping

How can leaders inspire employees to help their colleagues? The leader of the design firm IDEO, Tim Brown, set out to create a help-friendly organization in order to spur greater creativity. Collaboration is key to effective organizations. But how can leaders encourage helping behaviors among employees? A recent Harvard Business Review article by Teresa Amabile,Read… Read more »

Structure in Threes: Service DesignService Quality

This morning I started some R&D prototyping on measuring Services Quality. Started with SERVQUAL model by Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry. Put together a simple spreadsheet model for GAP #1. The approach is similar in format to Peter Marks’ [Design Insight] measurement of customer perception of product desirability. Since Services are purchased and experienced similar toRead… Read more »

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MLK Day: Has the “Dream” Been Realized?

As Americans pause to honor the courageous life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we should ask ourselves a profound question: Has the vision articulated by Dr. King in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech become a reality in 21st century America? According to a Presidential Proclamation issued by the White House:Read… Read more »

Pay to Play: Seven Ways Social Media is Getting More Expensive

This article originally appeared on PRDaily and also on For a long time, there was a perception that social media marketing was free, or at least very inexpensive. Starting a Facebook or Twitter account was free, and hiring a part-time intern to manage them didn’t cost much. In reality, social media marketing has neverRead… Read more »

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How to avoid another style procurement – Plus your weekend reads!

The political weight of placed a global spotlight on the some of the issues plaguing federal IT. Federal budget cuts, slow adoption rates and long procurement cycles have forced agency CIOs to maintain 30 year-old piecemeal legacy systems rather than invest in new technologies. Despite the effectiveness of some legacy systems, federal agencies spentRead… Read more »

Opening Data, Telling Stories: CBG Round-up, 01.17.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Opening Data, Sharing Stories: I read a lot this week about new sources of data being opened, and how people ar sharing their stories (but not necessarily their data) online. Alex Howard writes about an important development: The IRS will now allow people to download their own tax transcripts. Susannah Fox, of theRead… Read more »

Linkydink and MVPs

Linkydink is a lovely little service that does one thing very well. It allows people to add links to a group and for a daily list of the links collected to be emailed out to subscribers. It is run by Makeshift, a fantastic company in London that seems to churn out excellent little tools suchRead… Read more »

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Where does government social media stand in 2014? – Plus the 7 DorobekINSIDER Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The federal government shed 79,000 positions in 2013. Personnel is shrinking but demand for government services is on the rise. So what can leaders do to ease the stress on their employees? Can you really do more with less? Insights from Tom Fox at the Partnership for Public Service. You canRead… Read more »

Rethinking government IT to support the changing needs of government

We recently saw a change in the federal government in Australia, with a corresponding reorganisation of agency priorities and structures. Some departments ceased to exist (such as Department of Regional Australia), others split (DEEWR into two departments, Education and Employment) and still others had parts ‘broken off’ and moved elsewhere (Health and Ageing, which lostRead… Read more »

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