Search Results for: research

If Overt Inequality is Dead Why is There Still Inequality

I think this is a question that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would ask if he were living today. After protests, marches, civil disobedience, untold violence, tragic deaths and the ultimate passage of anti-discrimination laws, why does so much division and inequality endure in the USA? Rutgers University white professor Nancy DiTomaso addresses this issueRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER LIVE: Should You Be Dating Data?

Every day it seems like there’s a new online dating site geared towards a very specific audience. A dating site for farmers? Yes, it exists. A matchmaking app for individuals over 50? Yup, it’s real. The reason these niche online sites exists? Because data has shown there is an audience for them. The government isRead… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: Big Data

The Connect Effect

I spend roughly nine hours a day in front of my computer working — minus bathroom breaks, lunch, meetings and a little Internet surfing for “research purposes.” Eighty percent of my duties involve direct interaction with a keyboard, my Outlook email account and a Word document of some sort. I’m a communicator by profession. My jobRead… Read more »

Don’t Make These Online Job Application Mistakes

Applying for a job online makes the process seem easier, but it also creates plenty of chances for missteps that take you out of the running, even though you might be a great pick for the position. My colleague, Human Resources Manager Jenifer Phillips, has some insights into what she’s looking for in those online applications,Read… Read more »

How to Develop an Effective Identity and Access Management Strategy

Password management, user access and security are not what they used to be. Today’s IT reality is much more complex with various platforms requiring different authentication, different regulatory regimes, and of course, budget and IT department constraints. These complexities are not going away, and as new technologies emerge that require new platforms and passwords, federalRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Combating PTSD (Public Transportation Stress Disorder)

This week I finally got around to doing the annual re-certification for my public transportation subsidy program benefits (I started getting emails about it in September, so clearly I’m on top of my game). Before I clicked “submit” I took a minute to think about what I’m really getting out of this program. YES, inRead… Read more »

Find Your Strengths and Your Sweet Spot

I know StrengthsFinder 2.0 has been mentioned in the GovLoop community, but I want to vouch for it.  If you haven’t already taken this online survey, check it out at The survey tests your preferences among 34 themes and spits out a nice report on your top five strengths.  These are the areas whereRead… Read more »