Search Results for: research

Follow the New IP Part IV: Putting Control in the Hands of Government

What is the New IP? If you’ve been following my series on Federal Insights, you may know that the New IP is an emerging networking foundation for innovation based on open standards, and a software-defined, highly dynamic and user-centric infrastructure. As we enter a cloud and mobile driven era, IT infrastructure must be modernized toRead… Read more »

How to Pep Up Your Next PowerPoint Presentation

If you’re like most people, you hate going to a meeting where the presenter reads verbatim from a bland PowerPoint presentation. So, how can you avoid common pitfalls and create a great presentation for your next meeting? If your agency requires you to use a specific template, you’re obviously a bit stuck with how creativeRead… Read more »

Government in 2015, According to Back to the Future II

Amid fantasies of hoverboards and self-lacing sneakers, Back to the Future II gives us a glimpse of what people in the 1980s thought government could achieve by 2015. As it turns out, many of those predictions were surprisingly prophetic. The 1989 movie begins with accidental teen hero Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) travelling to theRead… Read more »

4 Ways Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Nonviolence Movement Influences Inclusion

On Monday, January 19th, the federal government recognizes the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. with a holiday. During this time, I have a ritual of digging out research papers I did in seminary on Dr. King who at the time was a major influence on my leadership style in the early 80’s.Read… Read more »

No, Government Branding Is Not a $$ Waste

Look…I totally get that you, the public are sick of us in the government wasting your money. I am a Libertarian, for crying out loud! But when it comes to spending money on brand, I have to tell you, you’re worrying about the wrong thing. This is not to say we should throw the moneyRead… Read more »

Why You Should Be Scheduling Informational Interviews

Whether you’re deep in the job hunt or just curious about new possibilities, an informational interview can be a fantastic way to get your foot in the door at a new company, build contacts, and score new opportunities. What’s an informational interview? An informational interview is essentially a face-to-face conversation that lets you get informationRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: What you missed over the holidays

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: Taking the Buzz Out of Innovation with Nesta’s Philip Colligan Should we reinvent the Federal Acquisition Regulation? I said YES. The head of the National ContractRead… Read more »

Writing an RFP – Easy as 123?

Let’s get one thing straight right out of the gate: selling to the government has never been easy. But these contracts can be lucrative. So often the pain is worth the gain. For example, electric carmaker Tesla just inked a $20 billion dollar contract with the federal government for research and development. Getting a spotRead… Read more »

Improve Your Email Strategy by Q2

If you set only one professional new year’s resolution, consider making it this: to improve your organization’s email effectiveness as early as Q2 2015. Whether you’re new to the world of email marketing or a seasoned professional, whether email is a small part of your job description or you run a team dedicated to email… Read more »