Search Results for: cio

Why Making a Difference in Our Community is a Core Value

In my last blog I wrote about why being grateful is good for you. There are numerous ways to make a difference in our community and it’s something that I’ve tried to become very conscious of as I get older and hopefully, wiser. As an adult, contributing money annually to various organizations was just somethingRead… Read more »

The Stories You May Have Missed Over Winter Break – DorobekINSIDER

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Government is at a crossroad as it attempts to maintain basic citizen and customer services in an increasingly austere environment of “doing more with less”. ACT-IAC has created Smart Lean Government (SLG) Practical Guide to help. We talk to two of the authors. The SEVEN stories that impact your life WashingtonRead… Read more »

6 Ideas for Federal Tech Reform

It was reported by the Wall Street Journal over the weekend that the Obama administration is working on a technology reform agenda. In the wake of the difficult roll-out, there’s been a lot of discussion on how to improve tech procurement and delivery. As such, I thought I’d write my 6 ideas on techRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Tech

Looking Ahead to 2014

It’s that time of year, to look ahead, make projections and take one last look at the year that has just ended. In the last few weeks, I have shared my values and views on being thankful, giving back, and a look at a few our client success stories. Today, I’d like to look aheadRead… Read more »

Sad news to share from AmericaSpeaks

AmericaSpeaks’ executive director, Steve Brigham, added a heartbreaking announcement to the organization’s website this afternoon. AMERICASPEAKS – IN HONOR OF OUR 19 YEAR LEGACY AmericaSpeaks has an unparalleled record of organizing more than 100 major citizen deliberations in all 50 states. Because of this remarkable history that we’ve had, it makes me very sad toRead… Read more »

Gov Should Resolve to Expand Telework ASAP in New Year

Let’s face it, the Telework Enhancement Act needs to be enhanced. Beefing up the three year-old law is necessary for telework to flourish at all agencies across government. In short, remote work should be standard operating procedure by now for feds deemed eligible by their agencies. That’s why Uncle Sam’s #2 New Year’s resolution shouldRead… Read more »

Free Online Youth Engagement Seminar from CIRCLE

We invite NCDD members to start the New Year off by taking the opportunity to contribute to the conversation on youth engagement. The good people at the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) are hosting a free 5-week online seminar that will invite young people, youth workers, the broader civicRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Books, Blogs and Biking: The Year in Writing

While I did all sort of fascinating freelance work in 2012, I couldn’t survive another year like that. Thankfully, 2013 was different as I settled into a job as Communications Manager for government. This meant regular paychecks, but less time for writing, which is exactly what I needed. Despite this, I still managed to doRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The future is bad for you, and always has been

It is always the next technology which is going to precipitate social collapse. Yet somehow the social collapse has never quite happened (though maybe next time…). More than that, last year’s (or last century’s) threat to society becomes this year’s golden age. So from a splendid compendium of moral panics by Tom Standage, we learnRead… Read more »

Smart Feds Never Stop Learning

“He who stops being better stops being good.” – Oliver Cromwell The Japanese have a word that symbolizes constant, never-ending improvement. That word is kaizen. Many of the world’s most successful people have adopted this philosophy as well. Achievers commit to ongoing continual improvement. What about you? In today’s world, a certain amount of improvementRead… Read more »