Search Results for: cio

Ending Washington Paralysis with Dialogue and… a Third Party?

We recently read a fascinating piece from our friends at Public Agenda, an NCDD member organization, covering the highlights from their recent Policy Breakfast event. The reflections from former Sen. Bill Bradley have interesting and provocative insights for the state of dialogue in Washington, D.C., and we encourage you to give them a read. YouRead… Read more »

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Technical Support Hell

Have spend most of today in Microsoft Tech Support Hell. After my Outlook Client stop sending/receiving after Tuesday’s Windows Update. I’ve been spending too much time being bounced around between various Support Desks, no fewer than six times. Each time repeating the same information; having the Support staff unable to open the case number documentationRead… Read more »

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Nelson Mandela: His Legacy to Democracy

We recently read an inspiring piece from the Kettering Foundation, an NCDD member organization, that we hope you will take a moment to read. It is a heartfelt tribute to the amazing legacy of the late Nelson Mandela, written by KF Interntional Resident and graduate student at the the University of the Witwatersrand in SouthRead… Read more »

Looking Back at 2013: CBG Round-up for December 20, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Value of Open Data in Our Economy and Society: The New America Foundation hosted a lively discussion and a few keynotes on the topic of open data. If you couldn’t make it, you can still watch the video, or, if you’re driving home for the holidays, play the audio through your speakers.Read… Read more »

The First Rule of the Government Customer Service Game: Steal the Citizen’s Playbook

Is Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning excellent because he has natural talent or because he works hard? While the answer is probably a bit of both, the truth is that Manning just works smarter. Consider this excerpt from an article that illustrates Manning’s game preparation: Most great quarterbacks are remembered for how they play theRead… Read more »

How Cloud Computing is Powering the Agency of the Future

Today engineering feats the Romans could only dream of result in new types of highways – digital ones. You can now transport information, computing power, tools and services quickly and efficiently, radi­cally changing the way your agency does business. Powering this digital highway is the cloud, and it is reimagining the way your organization operates.

Civic Data Challenge Winners Announced

Earlier this year, the National Conference on Citizenship announced the 2013 Civic Data Challenge, a competition for civic groups to turn raw civic data into tools that their communities could use to increase civic participation. And earlier this month, the winners were announced! We hope you’ll take a moment to join us in recognizing andRead… Read more »

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DorobekINSIDER Live: Top Innovations of 2013: Looking Back, Looking Forward

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! It’s the 11th time we’ve met and we are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. 2013 may goRead… Read more »

Recording of today’s Tech Tuesday with Dave Biggs of MetroQuest

We had a great Tech Tuesday event today, with about 100 people participating in a stimulating webinar led by Dave Biggs, Co-Founder of MetroQuest. Thank you, Dave, for the great presentation — and thanks to everyone who participated! MetroQuest public involvement software is recommended as a best practice by the APA, TRB, FWHA and otherRead… Read more »

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Twitter Best Practices: 11+ Tips for Tweeting Well

Summary: Targeted primarily to rookies, this guide offers a set of Twitter best practices that helps people maximize their ability to maintain a strong signal/noise ratio and avoid making mistakes that can hurt their individual professional and/or organizational brands. More experienced Tweeters – including mavens – may want to consider the advice and reconsider someRead… Read more »