Search Results for: research

Creating a Cadre of Cross-Agency Executives

President Obama recently proposed a new White House Leadership Development Program. The goal is to expose rising leaders to the experience of solving challenges across agency boundaries. This could ultimately lead to a new capacity in government – a cadre of experienced executives who know how to get things done collaboratively.  Cross –agency collaboration isRead… Read more »

The Government Moves Forward with Standards and Interoperability for Health Care Information

This article was originally posted by Dr. Keith Salzman on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. As I wrote on October 23, the government faces many challenges in implementing successful health care information exchanges that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery. This first follow-up post discusses the importance of standardsRead… Read more »

4 Books to Add to Your 2015 Reading List

The New York Times might have the list of best sellers, but we have the books govies need to read to get ahead in their career. Yes! It’s that time of year again. Time to countdown the books you need to read in 2015! Tom Fox, Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the PartnershipRead… Read more »

The IBM Center for The Business of Government: The Year in Review, 2014

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok to the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. In 2014, as has been the case for each of our past 16 years, the IBM Center engaged in many significant discussions with government leaders through our weekly radio show; benefited from groundbreaking research by a wideRead… Read more »

Hacking the Hacker

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field. Attackers are constantly changing their strategies and methods of hacking, and it’s a never-ending race for cybersecurity experts to keep up and keep data safe. We explored some of these cyber challenges in GovLoop’s new guide, 30 Innovations that Mattered in 2014. In the guide we talked with Intel SecurityRead… Read more »

Nutrient Sensor Challenge: Innovation by Another Name

Freshwater nutrient pollution alone costs the U.S. more than $2 billion each year. And that stat is an underestimate because it doesn’t account for brackish estuaries or the 95,000 miles of salty coasts. In an effort to help address this problem, EPA is part of the Challenging Nutrients Coalition, a group of federal agencies, universities,Read… Read more »

A Year of Technology Trends and Innovations

When I think of the future of technological innovation and development, my mind first goes to artificial intelligence and robots. But technological innovation doesn’t have to be quite as grandiose, and digital innovation is present today. In terms of government, local, state and federal agencies are challenging their former risk-adverse natures and creating new innovationRead… Read more »

Technology Trendsetters Busting Through Risk Aversion

In the fast-paced world of technology, government often is the ham in the sandwich – one slice of bread is technological innovation and the other is budget restrictions and risk aversion. Finding balance between these opposing drives is an uphill battle, but many government agencies continue to step up to the challenge. 2014 marked anotherRead… Read more »

All PR Is Good PR Except This

It happened one day while I was Googling myself. “She is a sociopath,” or something like that. “Good luck if you have to deal with her.” A comment, online, that referred to me. You are thinking I brushed that comment off, right? Like I’m so cool, and practiced, and nothing bothers me. Hell no! ItRead… Read more »

3 Bold Predictions for 2015

Recently, GovLoop launched our end-of-year report highlighting the top innovations of 2014. But what’s on the horizon for 2015? Below I’ve provided a look at what to expect in 2015, and be sure to check out the report to find out what else we believe is in store for next year. 1. Announcement of MoreRead… Read more »