Search Results for: research

Generating Energy — And Learning

I solved the energy puzzle for the U.S. with the help of two EPA Innovation Team members. We knocked it out in about 15 minutes. We were playing Generate! The board game was developed by several EPA researchers as a way for students to learn about the intricacies of this country’s energy complex, from energyRead… Read more »

8 Tips for Networking

At GovLoop, we are pretty lucky. We get to talk to govies everyday who are passionate about what they do and the people they serve. Especially at our events and trainings, the excitement and dedication we experience in our GovLoop community is contagious. These people make us want to talk to them, learn from them, andRead… Read more »

5 Ways You’re Blowing Job Interviews

Does it seem like you just can’t get a break when it comes to your job hunt? The phone interview seems to go well, you’ve made it to the in-person interview on time, you’re dressed professionally, and you’re qualified. But for some reason, all you keep hearing is, “We’ve decided to go with another candidateRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Get on the Everything-as-a-Service Train

A few years ago deploying a new system meant months of preparation, installation and troubleshooting. Not anymore. Now, you can initiate a new IT system in a couple of minutes, through a quick internet search an an even quicker download from the cloud. This new model is called everything-as-a-service (XaaS) and it’s rapidly changing theRead… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: Tech

What We Get From Social Media That We Don’t Get In Real Life

1973 My mom went back to work while I was still a toddler. During the day I stayed in Mrs. Eiler’s Family Day Care; she went to the hospital. Raggedy Ann went everywhere with me. (Photo via Cuddly Collectibles) One time on the Sabbath our home almost burned down. Friday nights Jewish women light candles, andRead… Read more »

Set Yourself Up For a Stellar 2015

It may seem a bit early to start planning for next year, but with the holidays coming on and the end-of-year crush at work already in session I don’t need to tell you the next few weeks will disappear in the blink of an eye. The new year is a traditional blank slate for most people,Read… Read more »

DISA Case Study: Increased Collaboration Through Digitized Services

This article is an excerpt from a recent research brief with Appian, Accelerating Government Transformation With IT, which includes a survey of 178 public-sector professionals who identified the challenges, best practices and importance of adopting digital transformation solutions. DISA provides advanced information technology and immediate communications support to the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, militaryRead… Read more »

Card Cataloging for Government Acquisitions

Before the invention of the Internet, libraries depended entirely on card catalogs. Although painstakingly tedious for any librarian, organizing card catalogs is an almost fail-proof method of documenting the overwhelming inventory of any library. And general cataloging standards tend to be standardized across most libraries. Card cataloging or any standardization method can make almost allRead… Read more »

You Have To Look Beyond The Data

The world is divided into two camps: Those who trumpet the rise of Big Data. Those who want to shoot it dead. Legitimate opinions of course may vary. But in my own personal observation, the more emphatically you pound your fist on the table, the more your opinion is based in fear. Here is a primer on theRead… Read more »

Next Steps in MoneyBall Government

Hope springs eternal! Two recent reports, a new book, and a newly introduced bill in Congress all contribute to a steady momentum toward evidence-based decision making. The legislation, which is bipartisan and bicameral, could have some momentum in the waning days of a lame duck Congress. It would create a commission to strengthen the useRead… Read more »