Search Results for: cio

Save the Date! NCDD 2014 is set for Oct 17-19 in DC Area

It’s time to save the date for the 2014 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation! We’re excited to announce that our next national conference will take place in the DC area October 17-19, 2014. Check out the little “save the date” video I created this morning… Thank you to all 92 of you who providedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Looking back to look forward

Triggered by a range of experiences recently I thought I would reflect on my learning journey. So over the last few weeks I’ve been dipping in and out of my blog posts from the last 5 years and thinking about how things have or haven’t changed or even if some of the things that IRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 06, 2013

This post has been updated to include Michael Keegan’s contribution. Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week, I’ve read a lot about comfort and discomfort. Creativity or Comfort: Pick One. Two articles on Slate this week seem of-a-pair: First, this one on how creativity is lauded only after it has yielded positive results, and is often quashed beforeRead… Read more »

You Don’t Need A Consultant: 5 Tips To Improve Your Efficiency On Your Own

As a consultant, sometimes it is hard to admit when we’re not needed. In many cases, clients bring consultants in before trying to solve problems for themselves. I recently experienced this myself. With a home purchase and my destination wedding three weeks away, the government shutdown brought up mixed emotions. As a consultant, I wasn’tRead… Read more »

May the Source Be With You!

By Ilandus Swinson, Procurement Lead In a business environment where the government is expected to do more with less, the strategic sourcing process has become a resourceful approach in helping agencies reduce spending and clearly define requirements while also improving mission delivery. Strategic sourcing can be defined as a standard and formal process that incorporatesRead… Read more » rolls out new feature – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 2013 may very well go down as the year of big data. At every government conference, training, networking summit, someone was talking about how big data was transforming the way their organization operates. But one program rose above the rest. We go in depth with the Army’s EMDS program with Lt.Read… Read more »

Peter Levine on Making Public Participation Legal

This post is shared from the blog of supporting NCDD member and professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs in Boston, Dr. Peter Levine. Peter shares a humorous take on the not-so-funny state of public meetings, and highlights the NCDD-supported Making Participation Legal report. For more info about this important intitiative and how it was created,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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“On My Watch” – Martha Johnson’s Book About Her GSA Time (and the GSA Scandal)

The Thanksgiving lull was a good time for me to read On My Watch. I had retired well before Martha Johnson became GSA Administrator. I was there however, in a high level position, when she was Chief of Staff to GSA Administrator David Barram. During Mr. Barram’s administration, GSA, in my opinion, underwent the mostRead… Read more »

Will VA certifications of SDVOSB go away? We in the Veteran’s community can only hope so

Recent contracting missteps, as reported by the Washington Business Journal (WBJ) and Microtech by the Washington Post, seem to have endangered the Veteran’s Affairs (VA) programs for certifying firms as either Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) or Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB). Although the current certification process is challenging enough, this recent issueRead… Read more »

It Just Keeps Getting Better: EMC Shows You How To Optimize Your Cloud and Virtualization Systems

Has your agency transitioned to the cloud yet? If so, you are definitely not alone. More and more government agencies are taking that leap and using the cloud to successfully manage and store their growing volumes of data. EMC, a market leader in cloud solutions, is hosting an upcoming event on the benefits of cloudRead… Read more »