Search Results for: cio

Is Training Airport Security a Dirty Word?

It seems the Transportation Security Administration or TSA does not train its agents in any of the soft training skills. Is “nice” a dirty word? It is a four letter word, but come on! I’m not being insensitive. I know the TSA has had a rough time of it, especially recently when they lost oneRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Are You Managing Your Money Or Is Your Money Managing You?

“The number one problem in today’s generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy.” – Alan Greenspan Can you imagine not being able to read the words on this page? Sadly that is how many of us are when it comes to money management, it’s something we don’t fully comprehend. Most of us didRead… Read more »

Structure in Threes: Tools Development

Organizational Design Tools Need Completion Continuing to build out Enterprise Analysis and Design tools this morning along with a workflow to integrate the Modern IT Portfolio Management methodology. After finishing the Org Design Tool, the next steps will be to finish off the Portfolio Management Tool and then document the workflow for possible automation. DigitalRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Pledge to Help Foster Respectful Dialogue

As an organization, NCDD is not in the habit of supporting online petitions. But when Joan Blades, a supporting NCDD member and a co-founder of Living Room Conversations and, reached out to us to support a petition she recently created, we immediately recognized its value for our work and knew that it was somethingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Jacob Hess on Narrative and the Red-Blue Divide

We’re happy to share this post, which was submitted via our Submit-to-Blog Form by one of our sustaining NCDD members, Dr. Phil Neisser, on behalf of Jacob Hess, a supporting NCDD member. Both of these gentlemen are co-authors of the book You’re Not as Crazy as I Thought (But You’re Still Wrong): Conversations between aRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Weekly Round-up: November 08, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Infographic: Tumblr facts. Perhaps of greatest relevance to government agencies: Tumblr is “more popular among 13-25-year olds than Facebook.” (or so they claim) Looking ahead: A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece for GovLoop about the future of online citizen support. This week, Brittany Ballenstedt had a post on Mashable that looksRead… Read more »

The 1 Critical Key that Traditional Leadership Training Misses

Have you ever attended leadership training programs sponsored inside your organization, listened to the wonderful information being presented, and thought to yourself, “Yeah, that sounds great, but it doesn’t work when I get back to my office”? After 24 plus years of federal service, and more than seven years as a leadership instructor, and executiveRead… Read more »

Cloud Kool-Aid

We’ve all drunk the Kool-Aid and believe in using the cloud. And with almost 1 million active apps alone in the Apple Store it is no wonder why. The cloud can create amazing opportunities for shared services and cost efficiencies. The problem is that many are using the cloud at the edge. They are takingRead… Read more »

How Will Not Drive Federal IT Acquisition Reform

Photo by ActiveRain After weeks of reports about the debacle known as (here and here), the latest news and actions around preventing the next IT boondoggle are now headed in the direction of reforming IT acquisition. Although President Obama got in on the action, I do not expect any significant reforms to take place,Read… Read more »

USPS Is Still Far From Stable – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics reports the number of “open” jobs — positions that employers advertise but have not found “qualified” applicants for — has doubled from 1,900,000 jobs in June 2009 to 3,900,000 vacant positions in June 2013. Most of those positions fall in the IT category. One solutionRead… Read more »