Search Results for: cio

Int’l Course on Participatory Methods in India, Spring 2014

This post was submitted by NCDD member Varun Vidyarthi of the Manavodaya Institute of Participatory Development via our Submit-to-Blog Form. Do you have field news you want to share with the rest of us? Just click here to submit your news post for the NCDD Blog! You’re invited to participate in a two-week program titledRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Discover North Carolina’s New Tech Hub, iCenter – Plus your weekend reads!

Every day it seems like tech companies unveiling new and revolutionary technologies and agencies can’t get their hands on the technologies fast enough. But there is a problem. Agencies are siloed. That means that the government often end up buying the same technology twice. North Carolina is trying to curb the problem by creating theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 01, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Bill Eggers writes about “The Solution Economy” in Fast CoExist, arguing, “The companies working to better society and the planet are creating their own economy, but it’s up to us–and our governments–whether or not they succeed.” HowTo.Gov publishes a Halloween edition of SocialGov content. It is “the fourth installment of an ongoing seriesRead… Read more »

New Round of Grants from the Taylor Willingham Legacy Fund

We’d like to encourage all NCDD members to consider applying for a grant from — or donating to — the Taylor L. Willingham Legacy Fund. You can find out more about Taylor, her work in deliberation, and her legacy here. The original NIFI announcement can be found by clicking here. Applications are now being acceptedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Making Engagement More Fun with CommunityMatters

Civic engagement and public participation can often be dry, boring, and even down right tedious, and many of us have struggled to find ways to make civic engagement more fun. Some have found interesting ways to do it, but for many of us, it’s hard to think of new ways to jazz up our work.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

How GIS and Maps Improve Public Discourse

One of the technologies that is going to be shaping government drastically in the coming years is GIS. GIS holds the ability to extract knowledge from big data, leverage the cloud for efficiencies, improve communications with citizens and help drive improved decision making for organizations. We’ve written quite a bit about the power of GISRead… Read more »

Why NCDD is so great…

I’m feeling really grateful right now for this supportive network we’ve built up over the past 11 years, and all of the amazing people that make NCDD a special, one-of-a-kind community. I just realized we had SEVEN people renew their membership today and yesterday, and I wanted to give them a quick shout-out. Thank youRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Tips for Software Innovators Inside the Federal Government

This is a guest post by Robert Read, a Presidential Innovation Fellow known for his work on RFP-EZ. Change the game through prototypes, Be a samurai: a loyal hacker, Be fast rather than good, Stand on the shoulders of giants, Scrape, don’t bow, and Be prepared to work outside the system. 1: Change the gameRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized as a Case Study for the Digital Analog Divide

This post was originally published on I find myself thinking about the launch of with a bizarre frequency. I think it’s fascinating as a case study and, I believe, emblematic of a broader unaddressed problem. The Long Story Short launched on October 1, 2013 to serve as a hub for US citizensRead… Read more »

Participate in “Real Dialogues” Hangout Today!

We’re excited to invite you to participate in the most exciting phase yet of the Real Dialogues project, their very first Google+ Hangout discussion! You may remember that the Real Dialogues D&D reality show was one of the winners of NCDD’s Catalyst Awards, and we are proud to see the project entering its production phase!Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized