Search Results for: research

The 10 Commandments of Teamwork

At GovLoop, we’ve been researching or covering technology issues facing the public sector and there always seems to be a common theme throughout every IT issue: soft skills are critical to successful IT deployment. Technology is only a small piece of the equation. Gaining buy-in, building with the user in mind and communicating changes acrossRead… Read more »

Rating Training: The How-To of What Not to Do

We know training is important to both organizations and employees, yet it is often seen by workers and supervisors as extra work of no real value. It interrupts the workflow. It is the immediate tangible evaluations are the most important. The effectiveness of training should matter. That’s what we tell ourselves and, yet, we hand out trainer and trainingRead… Read more »

Technology’s Role in Powering Open Data Initiatives

Below is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest guide, Capitalizing on the Open Data Revolution. You can access the full guide here. Recently, Audie Hittle, federal chief technology officer, Isilon Storage Division, EMC Corporation, sat down with GovLoop to discuss how data can transform the federal government. GovLoop: How do you see big data and openRead… Read more »

Trust Me. I’m a Digital Immigrant.

I admit it. I didn’t know much about Marc Prensky or his 2001 article on digital natives until about, oh, 2006. Though I find his article fascinating and the conversations and research that it sparked equally interesting, I want to bring a slightly different and lighthearted perspective to this conversation. I have found that there isRead… Read more »

5 Mistakes You’re Making in Your Job Search

Even though the outlook’s been a bit sunnier lately, it’s still a tough job market out there. Recruiters and hiring managers are still getting dozens – if not hundreds – of qualified applications for each position. If yours has been getting lost in the shuffle, or you’re not getting any calls back after interviews, you may beRead… Read more »

Taking the Gloves Off: Leaders and HR

Human resources can be complex, confusing and exasperating. Communications between leaders and their human resources department don’t have to be. Unfortunately, they are. It’s time to step out of the ring and start working together. When human resources professionals live and breathe human resources everyday, they forget what it’s like outside the bubble. It’s easyRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: Mapping for Policy Makers

As a lifetime member of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.®, I have earned my fair share of compass merit badges. Despite my badge-certified sense of direction, I still have trouble locating some places when doing a simple Internet search, especially after I have moved to a new city. With ArcGIS, mapping data in an organized,Read… Read more »

Wise decisions = personal happiness?

Suppose you are an IT decision-maker (and who in IT doesn’t have to make decisions regularly?). For that matter, forget the “IT”. What drives your decision-making? Let’s assume that you would like to consistently make decisions so as to have the maximum positive (or least negative) impact on your own personal well-being. Does this soundRead… Read more »

DorobekINSDIER: The Forest Service ostensibly tells the public not to comment

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: A New Kind of Contracting?: For a little background, the IT Acquisition Advisory Council (ITAAC) is a public/private partnership of public interest groups, involved citizens, private sectorRead… Read more »

The Social Network

A few summers ago, I stood at a railing and watched the thundering water of Niagara Falls while other people watched me. The number 1349 was plastered on all four of my limbs. Temporary tattoos. I had raced a triathlon in Vermont the day before. Although many people stared, nobody dared to satisfy their apparent curiosities. When IRead… Read more »