Search Results for: CIO Conversations

Improving Deliberation on Health Care

We wanted to share this thought-provoking commentary on a recent study on health care opinions conducted by our friends and partners at Public Agenda and the Kettering Foundation. As our nation continues to grapple with reforming our health care system, we in the engagement community have a special role to play in helping our communitiesRead… Read more »

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Pay to Play: Seven Ways Social Media is Getting More Expensive

This article originally appeared on PRDaily and also on For a long time, there was a perception that social media marketing was free, or at least very inexpensive. Starting a Facebook or Twitter account was free, and hiring a part-time intern to manage them didn’t cost much. In reality, social media marketing has neverRead… Read more »

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Rethinking government IT to support the changing needs of government

We recently saw a change in the federal government in Australia, with a corresponding reorganisation of agency priorities and structures. Some departments ceased to exist (such as Department of Regional Australia), others split (DEEWR into two departments, Education and Employment) and still others had parts ‘broken off’ and moved elsewhere (Health and Ageing, which lostRead… Read more »

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That Local GDS conversation again…

Just about 2 years ago I wrote this post on the GDS blog titled “Does local government need a local government digital service” the answer I gave then as I would give now is “YES” but just like then I outlined the challenges in actually making that a reality and instead focused on some areasRead… Read more »

Twitter Best Practices: 11+ Tips for Tweeting Well

Summary: Targeted primarily to rookies, this guide offers a set of Twitter best practices that helps people maximize their ability to maintain a strong signal/noise ratio and avoid making mistakes that can hurt their individual professional and/or organizational brands. More experienced Tweeters – including mavens – may want to consider the advice and reconsider someRead… Read more »

An Inhuman Web? Weekly Round-up: December 13, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Attention, Government Newsletter Writers (and those who analyze the metrics): New Gmail Rules Will Destroy the ‘Open Rate’ Metric (or not). Related: Is your web traffic inhuman? Dan Chenok Defense authorization passes without IT reform language, which will likely come back next session: FOIA Modernization may advance given commitment in Whitre House OpenRead… Read more »

“Complicated” vs. “Complex”

Someone asked for comment, I offered it. The background: A gentleman who makes a living “reducing complexity” for IT systems keeps running into some of us on Twitter who study complexity. You can imagine the entertaining exchanges, which led to his posting these observations on his LinkedIn group. The ask: There is a group ofRead… Read more »

Looking back to look forward

Triggered by a range of experiences recently I thought I would reflect on my learning journey. So over the last few weeks I’ve been dipping in and out of my blog posts from the last 5 years and thinking about how things have or haven’t changed or even if some of the things that IRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 06, 2013

This post has been updated to include Michael Keegan’s contribution. Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week, I’ve read a lot about comfort and discomfort. Creativity or Comfort: Pick One. Two articles on Slate this week seem of-a-pair: First, this one on how creativity is lauded only after it has yielded positive results, and is often quashed beforeRead… Read more »

Announcing the New Journal of Dialogue Studies

We were pleased to learn recently about the creation of the Journal of Dialogue Studies, a brand new academic publication dedicated to the theory and practice of dialogue. The JDS will be published by the Institute for Dialogue Studies, which is the academic platform of England’s Dialogue Society. For us non-academics, this journal presents aRead… Read more »

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