Search Results for: Employee Recognition

Measuring Work Environment Inclusivity at Federal Agencies

Though diversity and inclusion indices have been improving government-wide, these top-scoring agencies (based on self-reporting from current employees) are likely to offer more opportunities for women to succeed and feel empowered and valued in the workplace.

Military Spouses: Government’s New Secret Weapon?

In any workplace, diversity is essential to success. This is doubly true in government. There’s one group of people, however, who are not often thought of when it comes to diversity: military spouses. That’s a shame. Read why here.

What’s Fair? Managing Perceptions of Performance Management Programs

Agencies use performance management programs to inform employee decisions related to compensation, transfers, promotions and workforce cuts. But sometimes perceptions of the fairness of these programs can affect employee motivation. Learn how you can navigate in your agency.

Performance Appraisal Data is Complicated. Here’s Why.

When conducted properly, performance appraisals offer a valuable opportunity to discuss work activities and goals, correct existing problems and encourage positive performance.

7 Risks of Poorly Implemented Performance Management Programs

Performance management programs can provide considerable benefits to government organizations; however, poorly implemented programs can lead to detrimental organizational outcomes. Read on to explore seven high-impact dangers of poorly implemented performance management programs.