Search Results for: plain language

GovLaunch: 8 Questions with

Over the past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed that GovLoop has created a new series called GovLaunch. Basically, we’re highlighting the hot-off-the-press websites, apps and projects coming out of government – the “New Innovations of Government 2.0”, if you will. In fact, we blogged about it on the Huffington Post in case you missed it!Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 4, 2010

BBQ reading: Alex Howard: State CIOs rank cloud computing, green IT and social media as top emerging tech Mark Malseed and Lisa Diane: The Hatch Act and Social Media – 6 Plain Language Answers Josh van Tonder: Interviews with Open Government Innovators (video) Economist: The future of the internet: A virtual counter-revolution Ted Schadler: ITRead… Read more »

Announcing Web Manager University 2010-2011 Course Schedule

I am excited today to announce the 2010-2011 Web Manager University Course Schedule. We are kicking off this year in the spirit of customer service by hosting Doug Lipp, Formerly the Head of training at Disney’s Corporate Headquarters, to give a FREE webinar – The Magic of Exceptional Customer Service on Thursday, September 9, 2010.Read… Read more »

Want to Be a Web Superstar?

So you want to be a web superstar! Doesn’t everyone? Well, in government, administrations change, priorities change, and technologies change. But the formula for being a web communications superstar – the ones with the great (or greatly improving) websites, the best web organizations, doing the most exciting new things – doesn’t change. Web superstars followRead… Read more »

Federal Hiring Reforms – A Step towards Efficient Government

President Obama have released the hiring reform memorandum (new executive order) in order to improve the Federal recruitment and hiring process. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) also recently hosted a Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Summit to discuss the executive order which allows for changes in the hiring system by reducing the gap betweenRead… Read more »


Union Supports Efforts to Modernize Hiring Process Washington) – The American Federation of Government Employees, today, testified before the House Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, the Postal Service, and the District of Columbia House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on reforming the federal hiring process. “AFGE supports the Obama administration’s efforts to modernize, simplify, andRead… Read more »

So You Enjoyed the Govt Web & New Media Conf – Now, What Are YOU Gonna Do?

I hope you either attended or tuned into the Government Web and New Media Conference in Washington DC, last week. What a line-up! I sat in my Tucson family room, watching the proceedings streaming live, listening to the fine line-up of speakers; and I marveled that so many terrific people are engaged in improving theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Saluting the gobbledygook in government

Happy Friday! In a not-so-subtle jab at bureaucratic language often found in U.S. Code or the Federal Register (“in witness thereof,” “notwithstanding” and “directive,” among other classics), the Center for Plain Language awarded its National ClearMark Awards on Thursday for the best and worst examples of language in government, business and the nonprofit community. TheRead… Read more »

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How Does Your Government Website Stack Up?

Last week, a county government communications director in Oregon asked me to help her put together a session for their annual state meeting. We agreed that a “show and tell” hour, where attendees volunteer to show their county’s website and let their colleagues tell them what they think, could work well. I offered to doRead… Read more »