Search Results for: research

The Path(finder) Forward

What makes you yell with excitement? Roger Hanlon, a marine biologist, captured video of an octopus in camouflage mode. Hanlon hit the surface screaming. “They thought I was having a dive accident,” he says in the video. “It was a eureka moment.” We like eureka moments on the innovation team, and we look for waysRead… Read more »

How to Deal with a Bully at Work

It took me took me several years before I could think about this one particular boss without feeling physical anxiety. My heart would start beating faster, my muscles would tense up, and sometimes I’d be so anxious I couldn’t fall asleep. He was the kind of boss to whom all my work was a disappointmentRead… Read more »

When Was the Last Time You Were Competitive at Work?

Hope Solo, United States Olympic Goalie once said “I live for competition. It makes my life complete.” It’s Wednesday — have you been competitive at work today? The ability to compete in business is a time honored tradition that is revered much like typewriters, apple pie and baseball. It can also be fun. Moreover, whenRead… Read more »

Fall: Time for Harvesting Dreams and Planting Goals

I grew up on a farm, so to me, fall means harvest: fruit stands filled to brimming, trucks piled high with ears of corn, hop kilns wafting delicious aromas for miles. Harvest season is busy, but it’s also a good time to take stock of what this year’s efforts have brought so far. Which cropRead… Read more »

Protecting Health Data – 3 Things to Consider

When you think of data that should be protected, health data is typically at the very top. From birthdates to social security numbers, this information, personally identifiable information (PII), is a hacker’s dream. And healthcare data breaches are on the rise, with some recent research showing a 138% increase since 2012. This is a problem not only for healthRead… Read more »

10 Tips to Land a Federal Government Interview

I’m throwing a disclaimer out here first: I’m an Accountant, not a Human Resources Specialist. That being said, I find the HR components of the federal government really interesting. Perhaps the most puzzling aspect is how to land that elusive interview. So here are a few lessons I learned along the way… 1. If youRead… Read more »

OpenFDA: Ushering in a New Era of Government

Below is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest guide, Capitalizing on the Open Data Revolution. You can access the full guide here.  MedWatcher is a free mobile and web app that allows patients to understand and report side effects of drugs, medical devices and vaccines. The service was created in 2010 and is an early exampleRead… Read more »

The Worst 4-Letter Word in the Government

George Carlin is one of my favorite comedians of all time. He had the gift to recognize a completely normal situation and turn it into something hilarious. One of his most unforgettable jokes was his “Seven Dirty Words.” You don’t have to think very hard to come up with the seven. I’ll give you aRead… Read more »

The Best Advice We’ve Ever Received

Each and every Wednesday, the entire GovLoop team convenes for an hour-long staff meeting where we go over assignments, new projects, projections, and any other issues that we face as a company — much like any other organization does on a regular basis. But the GovLoop team has a bit of a different twist on ourRead… Read more »

It’s Time for Police Departments to Start Measuring the Customer Experience

In response to recent tragedies, many commentators have suggested requiring every police officer to wear a video camera and microphone at all times. Some activists even suggest that these videos be publicly live-streamed for maximum accountability. That’s not necessarily a bad idea, despite some technical, budgetary, and legal hurdles. Other commentators have pointed out thatRead… Read more »