Search Results for: cio

#GovShutdown Reader – Day 8: Backpay stalls in the Senate – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We are now in day eight of the government shutdown and with no resolution in sight, many are starting to worry about the long-term ramifications of the shutdown. One of those ramifications could be young people turning away from government service. Insights from PPS’s Tom Fox. GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER #GovShutdown Reader –Read… Read more »

Joan Blades Interview from NCDD Seattle

At the 2012 NCDD national conference in Seattle, NCDD member and filmmaker Jeffrey Abelson sat down with over a dozen leaders in our community to ask them about their work and their hopes and concerns for our field and for democratic governance in our country. Today we’re featuring the interview with Joan Blades, who isRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Best Audio Clips from NCDD 2012 Seattle

During the 2012 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation in Seattle, longtime NCDD member and supporter, John Spady (currently heading up the National Dialogue Network), spent a considerable amount of time capturing audio (and some video, as well). I reached out to him recently asking, of all the audio he captured at the event, whatRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Funders to Launch National Conversation on A ‘Common Purpose’

Here’s an important heads-up for NCDDers… During a plenary session at the Independent Sector’s annual conference on September 30, 2013, Stephen Heintz, president of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Diana Aviv, president and CEO of Independent Sector, unveiled planning for a “National Purpose Initiative,” an effort to reunite Americans around a common purpose. The projectRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Citizens’ Initiative Review (Featured D&D Story)

If you haven’t heard of the Citizens’ Initiative Review before, you should have! We’ve featured it at two of our conferences, and spent a day introducing NCDDers to Healthy Democracy Oregon’s work back in August 2010. Healthy Democracy just won TWO of the core values awards presented at the IAP2 conference in Salt Lake, soRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

#GovShutdown Day 3, No Closer to a Resolution – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: All this talk about shutdown, has a lot of people questioning why they work for the government in the first place. But for FBI Seamus McElearney he couldn’t imagine working anywhere else. Here why his government job matters to him. Shutdown Day 3 It sounds like a broken record, but… notRead… Read more »

International public engagement news & domestic learning opportunities

This post was submitted by Rosa Zubizarreta of DiaPraxis via our Submit-to-Blog Form. Do you have field news you want to share with the rest of us? Just click here to submit your news post for the NCDD Blog! Hi all! I’ve begun translating some articles from the news media in Austria about their growingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Top Five Government Contracts of 2013

From the Air Force to Health and Human services, 2013 proved to be an exciting expensive year for government contracts. These large federal contracts run into the billions, so smaller businesses or companies will have a more difficult time competing. However, for any contractor of any size, it is interesting to see what the governmentRead… Read more »

Collective Impact: A Game Changing Model for the Social Sector

I recently asked NCDD supporting member Marty Jacobs to write a primer for the NCDD blog on “collective impact.” This strategy for large-scale collaborative change has been gaining momentum among funders and nonprofit thought leaders, and we wanted to make sure NCDD members are aware of the concept. Marty Jacobs has been teaching and consultingRead… Read more »

Become a Lifelong Learner

Quote: “He who stops being better stops being good.” – Oliver Cromwell The Japanese have a word that symbolizes constant, never-ending improvement. That word is kaizen. Many of the world’s most successful people have adopted this philosophy as well. Achievers commit to ongoing continual improvement. What about you? In today’s world, a certain amount ofRead… Read more »