Search Results for: research

Determining If A Trust Is Right For You

It seems to be the general concensus that a Last Will and Testament is an essential part of a good estate plan but Living Trusts are not as widely used nor understood. Although many may think that probate is a negative of the Last Will and Testament, a great many individuals remain comfortable with it.Read… Read more »

Keeping Things Secure on the Internet of Things

In the late 1990s, General Motors began installing its OnStar technology in its vehicles. The service is powered by GPS and mobile phone data and allows drivers to communicate directly with assistance personnel, receive turn-by-turn navigation and conduct vehicle diagnostics. OnStar is one of the first and most well known instances of the Internet ofRead… Read more »

Internet of Things Lightning Round

“It’s not a revolution, but an evolution of what we’ve already been seeing in the Internet,” said Cisco Systems U.S. public sector engineering and chief technology officer Daniel Kent about today’s newest wave of technology, the ‘Internet of Things.’ Kent was the first speaker in a rapid-fire discussion of the implications of the Internet ofRead… Read more »

Accumulated Wisdom

The Urban Institute’s Harry Hatry is one of the pioneers of the late 20th century performance measurement movement. He has just released a new guide on transforming performance measurement that sums his best practical advice in one place. Harry Hatry is legendary. His indefatigable commitment to measuring government performance stretches back to his days asRead… Read more »

5 Takeaways on the Internet of Things and Government

The Internet of Things — you may have heard about it — maybe — but what is it really… and what does it mean for government? GovLoop and ConnellyWorks sponsored the first forum focused on the Internet of Things and government… and I was thrilled to moderate the panels. Today, most people think of theRead… Read more »

How to Become More Confident in the Workplace

Should I speak up, or is this a dumb idea? Did I do a good enough job on that project? Am I in over my head? Chances are you recognize that voice. It’s the downward spiraling mantra of self-doubt, and almost everyone has had it in his head at one point or another. Self-doubt canRead… Read more »

Ready, Set, Go… Cross the Acquisition Package Finish Line by Fiscal Year End

This is sprinting season for any acquisition professional working on completing acquisition packages, negotiating offers and awarding the proposals. Contracting Officers (COs) should be proactive in doing all that needs to be done to ensure the requirements are awarded in a timely fashion. While each agency has its own internal policies and regulations, there areRead… Read more »

Preparing for the Internet of Things: What Does it Mean?

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Imagine a manufacturing revolution where the average person can make anything they want from digital designs. In this revolution those with the most to gain aren’t major companies but the consumers. You don’t have to imagine it. At the Smithsonian they are building 3D replicas of artifacts. Meet the team makingRead… Read more »

3D Printing: Smithsonian Exhibits

3D printing has the potential to change everything. Imagine a manufacturing revolution where the average person can make anything they want from digital designs. In this revolution those with the most to gain aren’t major companies but the consumers. Adam Metallo, Günter Waibel, and Vincent Rossi are leading the way in 3D printing and empoweringRead… Read more »

Designing a Difference in Public Health

  Designers are more commonly known for conceiving and crafting interiors, graphics, and clothing but the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has partnered with design professionals to develop innovative strategies aimed at reducing the city’s rates of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among teens. Suzanne Elder, program director for CDPH’s Office ofRead… Read more »