Search Results for: research

A Data Sharing Disclosure Standard?

[Summary: Iterations on a proposal for a public register of government data sharing arrangements, setting out options for a Data Sharing Disclosure Standard to be used whenever government shares personal data. Draft for interactive comments here (and PDF for those in govt without access to Google Docs )] At the instigation of the UK CabinetRead… Read more »

Mobile Communications Are Here to Stay

When laptops first replaced desktops as the new, go-to digital device, being glued to your cubicle or home office while checking email suddenly became a thing of the past. Now that the number of people owning smartphones has rapidly increased and shows no signs of slowing down, we’re redefining what it means to be trulyRead… Read more »

Do You Trust Yourself Enough to Call it a Day?

Trust is important in any relationship, particularly if you are a leader. Without trust standard operations become difficult and slow. Simple tasks must be checked and rechecked. And small mistakes are big steps backward. As important as it is to earn and maintain the trust of your team and colleagues, it may be more importantRead… Read more »

911 Made Safer – Protecting EMTs!

We’ve all seen an ambulance racing down the street, sirens blaring, weaving in and out of traffic. But sometimes in the rush to get to the hospital in the fastest way possible another tragedy can strike. In 2010, a medic, patient and passenger all died when the ambulance driver lost control on an icy roadRead… Read more »

Leveraging Cloud Adoption in Your Agency

GovLoop’s recent guide, How Cloud is Reinventing Government, explores the how cloud is helping agencies unlock innovation and improve service delivery. The report includes four government case studies, best practices and insights from industry leaders. Below is an excerpt from our guide. Read the full report here. This section was written by Mallory Thayer, GovLoopRead… Read more »

Unpicking the Barriers to Change – Changing Through Experience

Photo by Phillirose – Flickr I was in a conversation with Sara Cretney (Organisational Change Manager) and some senior colleagues recently about change and the question came up about barriers and what is stopping the people who are thinking differently from doing different? I’m not entirely sure there is a single answer to thisRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Ongoing Federal Budget Challenges – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If you’re anything like me, “Orange is the New Black” has taken over your life. The show illustrates the difficult and fascinating life within the walls of a federal prison. The show is fiction, but the cruel world OITNB depicts is sadly often representative of what really happens in federal penitentiaries.Read… Read more »

Why End-to-End Functionality Matters

Multitasking is a reality in our lives. We check e-mail while we talk on the phone. We constantly juggle tasks, spreadsheets, documents and programs, and we do it all in a split second. Or do we? We all talk on the phone while we throw a load of laundry in the washer, chop some vegetablesRead… Read more »

Get Healthy: How to Start Working Out Before Work

You’ve got the best intentions, but let’s be honest – at the end of a long, draining day’s work, who really has the energy to hit the gym or hop on a treadmill? Yeah, me neither. Research suggests that you’re more likely to stick to an exercise routine if you schedule it in the morning,Read… Read more »

Customer Service Design Thinking

To improve how government delivers customer service, agencies must understand how customer experiences work, how expectations are set and met, and how experiences are perceived and remembered. During the NextGen design thinking workshop, Molly Moran, Executive Secretariat’s Research and Design Center, State Department explained how the foundations for how meaningful and valuable experiences are defined,Read… Read more »