Search Results for: research

If You Want to Innovate, Collaborate

TaskRabbit began six years ago as an online marketplace where users can outsource small jobs to others in the surrounding community. From buying your dog food, to picking up your dry cleaning, to installing your Ikea furniture, or cleaning your oven, the site contracts out any chore you can imagine. Now an emblem of today’sRead… Read more »

Communications Professionals Have 5 Years to Understand Digital, or Become Unemployable

Back in 2009 I started telling communications professionals that they had ten years to understand digital channels and integrate them into their thinking, or there would no longer be jobs for them in the industry. I also blogged about this in February 2010. At the time this was highly confronting to a number of experiencedRead… Read more »

How to be a Changemaker Within Your Agency

Panelists: Russell Maltiempo, Project Manager (FDIC) Emily Doughtry, Special Assistant (EPA) Lorena Molina-Irizarry, Hispanic Employment Program Manager (HEPM) Laura Kunkel, Special Assistant at HUD Steve Ressler, Founder of Govloop (Moderator) The panelists and their groups: Russell – Emerging Leaders Group at FDIC Emily – EPA’s Emerging Leadership Network (ELN) Lorena – NextGen Census Laura –Read… Read more »

The Best Spot to be an Entrepreneur? Try the Federal Government.

We’re blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. In one of our final keynote presentations, Cristin Dorgelo provide insights on her experience as an entrepreneur and shared her version of how agencies can capitalize on the wisdom of the crowds to create new waysRead… Read more »

Bring NextGen to Your Agency

We’re blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. So, you’re at NextGen. Maybe it’s your first time — or maybe you’ve been here before. And you’ve heard lots of great information. You’re re-energized and ready to get back into the office Monday morning andRead… Read more »

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The Next BIG Thing: Business School and Government

It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. Why can’t our government be more like Silicon Valley? With all the innovation and technological progress the private sector creates many of usRead… Read more »

Top Graduate Programs to Excel in the Public Sector

Climbing the ladder in today’s job market almost always requires a Master’s degree. The public sector is run by individuals who have some sort of an M or P behind their name. Whether it is an MD, MPH, MPA or Ph.D, going back to school can expand your role and increase your contribution within theRead… Read more »

Leverage Scarcity for Success

Several years ago I met an extraordinary gentleman during a seminar I was presenting in Columbus, Ohio. We continue to be friends to this day. But equally as important, he has become a much respected colleague. Brian Ahearn is a certified trainer for the Principles of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini. The basis for theRead… Read more »

Innovation in Government – Oxymoron or Wave of the Future?

It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. I attended a great breakout session at yesterday’s NextGen Training Summit on this topic. The audience was certainly skeptical that innovation is evenRead… Read more »

The Democratic Divide: Politics in a Polarized World

It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. This morning Joshua Huder, Senior Fellow at the Government Affairs Institute, joined us to explain a phenomenon on the mind of everyone inRead… Read more »