Search Results for: CIO Conversations

Weekly Round-up: November 22, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week I’ve been reading about data and innovation. Innovation in the public sector: I gave a talk this week on my chapter in the Center’s “Six Trends Driving Change in Government,” during which I used an eminently tweetable quote: “Innovation is figuring out how to build a bicycle while you ride it.”Read… Read more »

Twitter Hashtags: 7 Tips and a Decision-Making Flowchart

Summary: Though Twitter hashtags have been around almost as long as Twitter itself, many people still do not understand what they are – or more importantly, how to use them appropriately. This post offers seven tips – plus a decision-making flowchart – to enable Tweeters to not only avoid looking like a Twitter rube, butRead… Read more »

Birmingham Joins Mental Health Conversation with NIFI

In addition today’s exciting news about the Text, Talk, Act project, we are pleased to share more good news about the Creating Community Solutions effort. This post comes from our partners at the National Issues Forums Institute, sharing the recent announcement that they will be helping the city of Birmingham, AL engage its public inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Pledge to Help Foster Respectful Dialogue

As an organization, NCDD is not in the habit of supporting online petitions. But when Joan Blades, a supporting NCDD member and a co-founder of Living Room Conversations and, reached out to us to support a petition she recently created, we immediately recognized its value for our work and knew that it was somethingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Jacob Hess on Narrative and the Red-Blue Divide

We’re happy to share this post, which was submitted via our Submit-to-Blog Form by one of our sustaining NCDD members, Dr. Phil Neisser, on behalf of Jacob Hess, a supporting NCDD member. Both of these gentlemen are co-authors of the book You’re Not as Crazy as I Thought (But You’re Still Wrong): Conversations between aRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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The 1 Critical Key that Traditional Leadership Training Misses

Have you ever attended leadership training programs sponsored inside your organization, listened to the wonderful information being presented, and thought to yourself, “Yeah, that sounds great, but it doesn’t work when I get back to my office”? After 24 plus years of federal service, and more than seven years as a leadership instructor, and executiveRead… Read more »

How GIS and Maps Improve Public Discourse

One of the technologies that is going to be shaping government drastically in the coming years is GIS. GIS holds the ability to extract knowledge from big data, leverage the cloud for efficiencies, improve communications with citizens and help drive improved decision making for organizations. We’ve written quite a bit about the power of GISRead… Read more »

Why NCDD is so great…

I’m feeling really grateful right now for this supportive network we’ve built up over the past 11 years, and all of the amazing people that make NCDD a special, one-of-a-kind community. I just realized we had SEVEN people renew their membership today and yesterday, and I wanted to give them a quick shout-out. Thank youRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Invitation to 3rd round of dialogue on Race, Poverty & Wealth in America

Here’s an invitation from Ben Roberts of The Conversation Collaborative to participate in the third (and final) round of the innovative online conversation he’s hosting as part of the National Dialogue Network initiative… From now through October 31st, please join us on hackpad, on the phone and perhaps in person as well, as we continueRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Civic Health Clubs and… the Revolution?

We are excited to share with you today an innovative project that is an interesting twist on connecting communities through shared conversations. The project is led by Evan Weissman, a teacher, actor, and civic entrepreneur who has been working for over a year now to found a “civic health club” in Denver, Colorado called WarmRead… Read more »

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