Search Results for: work-life balance

Gov Should Hire & Promote More “Moses Managers”

All employees want great managers, yet not everyone is fortunate enough to enjoy that luxury. But what really makes an awesome manager? Some people say that an inclusive and positive can-do management style is best to promote leadership and productivity. Others argue it’s more effective for a manager to use fear tactics to get resultsRead… Read more »

Enterprise 2.0 Success is About the Players, Not the Field

Watch your local Pee-wee football team’s practice sometime and you’ll see a lot of dropped passes, missed tackles, and a whole host of other mistakes. But…what would happen if you put that team on Heinz Field and gave them all the same amenities as the Pittsburgh Steelers? Yep, they still wouldn’t be able to completeRead… Read more »

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.

You interfered with the productivity of my project team member. Prepare to die. I saw this as a twitter status on my #agile view recently and couldn’t resist doing a blog post with this theme from The Princess Bride. It’s a topic I’m very passionate about. (Productivity that is. Well, I like the movie too!)Read… Read more »

Telework Improvement Act Impacts Agency Hiring and Retention Efforts

Originally posted to Unleash the Monster As the federal workforce becomes younger – almost one in three of the 142,690 federal workers hired last year were 29 or younger and one in four was between 30 and 39 – the “typical workday” may change dramatically. The road to one change was paved earlier this summerRead… Read more »

Managing Your Time While Managing Your Social Media

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” Thanks to Katie Mercado, I had the opportunity to give a presentation on time management and social media at today’s 33rd Annual PRSA Maryland Chesapeake Conference. I was actually a little surprised when Katie approached as I feel like there’s so much more thatRead… Read more »

Generation *U*

So you haven’t heard of generation “U” yet either? Why, according to FedSmith generation “U” is the UNRETIRED GENERATION. Full article AND COMMENTS may be found here: So this article attempts to address the reasons or at least speculate why so many baby boomers haven’t retired. The comments are unbelievable! Some folks feel theyRead… Read more »

The Evolution of the Social Media Evangelist

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I’m currently going through my annual assessment, and in completing my self-assessment, I had some time to reflect on the last year and subsequently, over my six years at Booz Allen. As I combed through old emails and files, I thought back to 2006Read… Read more »

What’s Your Government 2.0 Personality Type?

This has also been cross-posted on my primary blog, “Social Media Strategery.” Over the last few years between starting the social media practice at Booz Allen and getting involved with the broader Government 2.0 community, I’ve had the opportunity to meet a ton of different people, all with different motivations, frustrations, and aspirations. While sittingRead… Read more »

Working Remotely – Work 2.0

Why was Villanova ranked the most “connected, plugged-in, and high-tech campus in the country”? While consistently at the cutting edge of technology, until recently Villanova lagged behind in one area: their legacy phone system. So what happened after they upgraded to an IP based phone system that complemented the capabilities of their data network? FlexibilityRead… Read more »

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