Search Results for: cio

Social Entrepreneurship: Global Challenges, American Innovation

Jonathan Greenblatt, Special Assistant to the President & Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation, Domestic Policy Council, was one of the final keynotes at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. His presentation was titled, Social Entrepreneurship: Global Challenges, American Innovation. Greenblatt said, “We are trying to change the way peopleRead… Read more »

How to Become a Brilliant Communicator

Communication gaffes happen. Do you live in fear of making a mistake when communicating via email? Via telephone? You’re not alone. In this afternoon’s breakout session with Andrew Krzmarzick, director of community engagement at GovLoop, Next Generation of Government Training Summit attendees learned how to work past fear of miscommunication in four key areas. 1.Read… Read more »

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Weekly Round-up: July 26, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Alex Howard has a brief summation and then encyclopedic details of the “Champions of Change” awards and winners. The topic is interesting, and, as ever, the multiplatform storytelling–blending original copy, tweets, Vines, and video–is instructive. The State Department announced a new $10,000 innovation challenge: What Information Technology Tools and Concepts Can Support FutureRead… Read more »

Social media impacts on ICT teams – presentation from the Technology in Government conference

Over the last two days I’ve been down at the Technology in Government conference – an event I thought went very well, with a great group of speakers (including the UK Government’s CIO Liam Maxwell). I gave a presentation this morning, and chaired the afternoon, for the Connected Government stream and have uploaded my presentationRead… Read more »

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Puerto Rico TechSummit Reimagining the Tech Industry

When I took the challenge to serve as Chief Information Officer for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, I knew there was a lot at stake. Security and Jobs were the most important points on the Government’s agenda, and it is the CIO’s responsibility to enable the tech sector to respond accordingly. We started by unitingRead… Read more »

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Content and Context – GIS Makes the Case for Going Enterprise

Last week’s Esri International Users’ Conference was one of the happiest and most energetic software conferences ever. And why shouldn’t it be? The breadth of GIS usage, especially for government, has grown, and the variety of ways to use GIS and the opportunity provided by Esri’s ArcGIS Online will bring another wave of growth. FromRead… Read more »

Dave Wennegren Retires from DOD – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service explored how men and women, different racial and ethnic groups, and veterans and employees with disabilities observed the workplace. But up front: Dave Wennergren: Simply one of the best It was long expected, but it is still disheartening: One of the federal government’s bestRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned: VA Cloud Email Termination

According to a Federal Computer Week article by Frank Konkel, The Department of Veterans Affairs terminated its five-year, $36 million cloud computing contract for email and calendaring services with HP Enterprise Services. Citing a material change in the agency’s requirements, VA officials declined to elaborate on the requirement changes that were actually made. Although IRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Mental health dialogues happening tomorrow in Sacramento and Albuquerque

This Saturday, community members in ‪‎Sacramento‬ and ‪Albuquerque‬ are coming together to discuss mental health topics and identify priorities. Not in CA or NM? Follow @MentalHealthCCS or join the online dialogue at A bit about the project… An important component of the National Dialogue for Mental Health, “Creating Community Solutions” is a series ofRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Weekly Round-up: July 19, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Last week, GSA OK’ed Instagram, this week, FedTech rounds up “7 Federal Agencies That Have Embraced Vine.” As FastCoExist reports on a citizenship app, ReadWrite discusses “citizen developers“ On HowTo.Gov, Justin Herman invites fellow federalistas to the SocialGov Summit. Dan Chenok GSA focuses more emphasis on strategic sourcing. Progress on Cyber Executive Order.Read… Read more »