Search Results for: research

Congress Works to Make Sure Gov Isn’t Overpaying Feds – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The problems the government faces are now bigger and more complicated than ever before. Just look at the healthcare, immigration, regulation or even the federal pay debate. No longer do problems fit nicely into one agency or department. Therefore, the need for collaboration is more apparent than ever. But how doRead… Read more »

3 Leadership Roles: The Coach, the Cheerleader and the Critic

Three roles for you to master are the coach, the cheerleader and the critic After searching recently “leadership” on Google, I received about 146,000,000 results in .42 seconds. In an attempt to drill down my search, I searched “leadership and government.” This time? 278,000,000 results in 0.39 seconds. But I don’t need a Google searchRead… Read more »

Government Must Use Technology for Real-Time Transparency — Here’s Why

Some state governments are not making it easy for their elected officials or their citizens to see where money is being spent and what results are being achieved. Consider this latest example. The actual name of the state has been omitted, as it would be a terrible embarrassment to its statewide elected leaders, its legislature,Read… Read more »

Use Self-Assessment Tests to Get Your Dream Job

As a career counselor, I get a lot of eye-rolls when I talk about self-assessment as a part of the career development planning process. And yet, when I ask my graduate students what they do best, they don’t have very descriptive words. “Multitasking” or “problem-solving” or “building strategies”—interesting concepts but not particularly useful in jobRead… Read more »

We, the People …. the Customer … the User?

Let’s put this as neutrally as possible. People interact with public services. Now, here’s a simple question: what should we call those people – and why? Perhaps it’s not such a simple question after all. They – we – are many things. We are patients, customers, passengers, swimmers, clients, taxpayers, claimants and more (as wellRead… Read more »

3 Strategies to Reform Federal IT – and Save Your Tax Dollars!

Moderator Trey Hodgkins (far left) and panelists from left to right: Richard Beutel, Kevin Cummins, Aaron Wasserman and Angela Styles. “Taxpayers deserve a government that harnesses technology to better serve the people.” I would be surprised if anyone disagreed with this profound statement from former Missouri governor Matt Blunt. Citizens expect their government to spendRead… Read more »

Beyond Public Hearings: Engaging in the 21st Century

Community engagement can be addressed from many perspectives; a wide range of coverage only strengthens the topic as a key value of inclusive democracy. In the past few months we’ve blogged about how Boston’s gamifying the process and getting youth involved, how engagement needs to be all inclusive, and how governments engage in events likeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Why Can’t We Attract Younger Employees to the Workforce?

According to this recent article by Rachel Feintzeig in the Wall Street Journal, the percentage of federal employees under the age of 30 hit an eight-year low of 7% in 2013. It’s not a new problem, but it’s part of a consistent trend – the number has been steadily dropping since the late ’70s, whenRead… Read more »

7 Steps to Creating Your Personal Brand

I’ve been participating in a young professional women’s group. Recently we discussed and worked through Lois Frankel’s Nice Girls ^Still Don’t Get The Corner Office. Frankel’s book offers an assessment to help identify areas the reader self-identifies as performing well and areas the reader self-identifies as needing improvement. One common area improvement amongst the groupRead… Read more »

Designing Technologies for Emerging Markets

Today, at the Changing Lives Through Mobile Conference we heard from researchers, entrepreneurs and leaders working to increase access to mobile technology in emerging markets. While rates of cell phone ownership have grown exponentially over the last decade, in developing countries there is still a significant gap in ownership for vulnerable group such as women,Read… Read more »