Search Results for: research

It’s Nice to See Government Agencies Share With Each Other

One of the most frustrating and, I think, silliest things I found when working in Australian government agencies was how almost every department, agency and statutory body developed almost all of its own policies, procedures, software and tools. There was often ‘undercover’ sharing – where people in agencies would ask their colleagues in others forRead… Read more »

Let’s Respectfully Redesign Government

Democracy is a design problem. –Dana Chisnell On May 27th I received an absentee ballot in the mail, my first as a California voter. As excited as I was to perform my civic duty, I had a busy week traveling to Long Beach to meet with our fellowship project stakeholders. Sunday afternoon I finally satRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Career Advice for Millennials: How I Landed a White House Gig at Age 23

That’s me pictured above with my parents and Bill Clinton in the Oval Office. It was a Saturday morning about 20 years ago following a Presidential radio address. The “Blue Pass” I’m wearing allowed me unfettered access to the West Wing, including the White House Briefing Room where I assisted dozens of reporters. This isRead… Read more »

Time for Graduate School? Choose Wisely

You’ve been working for a few years, and you decide to get an advanced degree—for new knowledge or for a needed credential. How do you choose? In the past few years, universities have started lots of new master’s degrees—from “human-computer interaction” to “public history” to “law enforcement management”—many with direct connections to employers, such asRead… Read more »

Social Media for Public Health Professionals

Public Health professionals and entities are using social media as a tool to engage millions of people around the world concerning today’s most imperative health issues. Social networks such as Facebook, Google+ (G+) and Twitter have millions of people communicating about various topics. Health organizations are using such media tools to disseminate information. “One factRead… Read more »

How Should DATA Act Implementation Impact Federal Project Management Practices?

Introduction The recent passage of the DATA Act (Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014) got me thinking about the data management work that will have to be initiated to support its implementation. Since both standard and existing legacy systems and processes will be impacted it’s likely a variety of data related project work willRead… Read more »

A Place to Look for State Financial Transparency…For Now

As state governments move toward total financial transparency, there is at least one place to look for information on how the states are doing in providing constituents with data on where money is being spent and what results are being achieved with the investment. Earlier blog posts have elaborated on the current ‘shortcomings’ of stateRead… Read more »

What’s the Future of Big Data?

Earlier this year Gartner announced their 2014 Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems – and for the first time ever, Cloudera debuted on the list. Gartner’s Magic Quadrants serve as one of Gartner’s flagship market research reports, covering dozens of IT trends for both private and public sector technology solutions. The report makesRead… Read more »

It’s a bird, it’s a plane – it’s Superman!…nope, even better: it’s NASA

It’s a bird, it’s a plane – it’s Superman!…nope, even better: it’s NASA. NASA has eyes in the skies, helping to monitor and protect us. Each day, NASA satellites collect and transmit valuable data about environmental conditions on earth, including climate change and the impact of natural disasters. But this information is useless without theRead… Read more »