Search Results for: personal brand

Benefits of Moving Around in Government

Moving is not for the risk averse. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It takes a certain boldness and willingness to venture off the beaten path into the unknown. The benefits of moving around in government are many – less tangible but impactful in very noticeable ways.

5 Newsletters Every Woman Should Be Reading

I subscribe to a ton of newsletters that aggregate the best of the internet and deliver it to my inbox. It saves me a ton of time and keeps me up-to-date on the latest. Want to be equally informed about gender issues and women in the workplace? Check out my favorite newsletters.

Adobe on GovLoop

Government service delivery is changing. From advanced analytics to digital forms to self-service portals, government agencies are investing in technology that improves how citizens access information. Digital transformation efforts are also positively impacting how government employees effectively do their job. To learn more about digital transformation and its impact on government in the years toRead… Read more »

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