Search Results for: research

Community Engagement: Lessons from Boston

Around the country, folks are making the road by walking when it comes to civic innovation and they’re forming new relationships in the process. At Code for America, we get excited when people participate in the democratic process in meaningful and interesting ways. Two projects in Boston show the importance of collaboration between residents andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

A Health System and Government Collaborate to Reduce Preventable Chronic Disease

Diabetes is a complex chronic disease, suggested to be caused by a combination of genetic, behavioral and environmental factors. According to the 2012 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (CDC), 8.1% of the adult population of Chicago is estimated to have diabetes, a trend that has remained relatively unchanged over the past ten years. In lightRead… Read more »

Where’s the Love? The #1 Reason Managers Aren’t Providing You Enough Feedback

How many of you are supervisors who wish you were giving more feedback and recognition to your staffs? How many of you are employees who wish you were getting more feedback and recognition from your boss? Whatever side of the question you fall on, manager and employee engagement through feedback and recognition is an essentialRead… Read more »

The DorobekINSIDER is honored to be honored – Plus the 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: One of the biggest procurement programs underway is happening at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They are using strategic sourcing to save time, resources and open up the contract to new prospects. So how is it going? We talk to NOAA’s Chief Acquisition Officer. You can find all ofRead… Read more » does away with blog comments – Plus the 7 Gov stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Shutdown, furloughs, pay cuts – oh my! Last year was basically Groundhog Day for feds, each day an endless cycle of bad news – at least, that’s what it felt like. But how bad was it, really? A new survey tries to capture the data. We take a look. You canRead… Read more »

Cyber Breaches: Hacking into Your Company, Your Home

In 2013 alone, there were 253 cyber breaches of major organizations and over 552 million identities were exposed. 2013: it quickly became known as the year of the Mega Breach. Earlier this week, GovLoop hosted an online training with leaders in the cybertech industry to discuss today’s cyberthreat environment. Kevin Haley, director of security responseRead… Read more »

The Interns Are Here! … Now What?

If you have interns in your office, they have probably started working by now or will soon. Not only do they provide great work, former interns are your best ambassadors when they return to campus—they can help you recruit for next year’s interns, identify good candidates for entry level positions, and publicize the good thingsRead… Read more »

The Multiple Award Double-Standard, Part II

For this week’s comment I wanted to share with you my latest blog post that was first published on the Federal Times’ Acquisition Blog ( on May 16, 2014. The Multiple Award Double-Standard, Part II April’s blog focused on the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy’s (DPAP’s) double standard regarding the treatment of orders under theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Resilient Communities, Efficient Governments

Natural disasters. Budget crises. Significant technological failures. In today’s interconnected world, a single disruptive event can have negative repercussions on a community long after the initial impact. This makes the imperative for a swift recovery a priority for state and local government. The ultimate goal is to make the community resilient to such events; itRead… Read more »