Search Results for: cio

Facebook used as a billboard for malware, Officials and industry preparing for a more mobile government and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cybersecurity news and stories of the day. Facebook used as billboard for malware – “A cybercriminal has taken to selling his malware and related services on Facebook, boldly choosing a public forum to reach potential customers over the secretive world of the online underground.” This is a boldRead… Read more »

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Using Technology to Enhance the Customer Experience – Arlington National Cemetery

“Honor – Remember – Explore,” Arlington National Cemetery’s motto has a new way to allow visitors to do just that with its ANC Explorer mobile app. The cemetery hosts 7,000 annual burials, over 3.1 million annual visitors, and sits on 624 acres of land. Visitors always had two main questions when arriving at the cemetery:Read… Read more »

Learn more about two of many new attacks – HTML5 Security

By Carsten Eilers HTML5 brings new opportunities – for developers and for attackers. Here you will see two examples of how an attacker could abuse HTML5 and how you as a developer could prevent this (or not). These are only two of many new or improved attacks on web clients. I chose them for twoRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Why Congress Should Be Furloughed Too

Let’s face it folks, if anyone deserves to be furloughed these days it’s obviously the U.S. Congress. The so-called “People’s House” has become a house of shame – a “Do Nothing” Congress. Our august national legislative body has turned its back on the American people for partisan political purposes and personal political self-interest. Our brokenRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 26, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week: Securities. On HowTo.Gov, Justin Herman exhorts his fellow govvies: “Government Must Rapidly Respond to Social Media Hacking“ FedTech reports that “Mobile Security Is Top of Mind for Government IT Professionals” which is important, becuase “For Defense Department Agencies, Mobile Technology Can Save Lives, Property and Time“ GovLoop and Symantec put “CyberRead… Read more »

Federal Technology Spending Expected to Increase in 2014

Posted originally on Federal Technology Insider. Earlier this month, President Obama submitted the annual budget for fiscal year 2014 to Congress. Despite much discussion on federal spending cuts, the Obama administration requested a $2 billion increase in federal IT spending. According to Steve VanRokel, federal CIO, the key takeaway is that investment in IT willRead… Read more »

Platform As A Service, Giving the IT world D-Business, Know your DAM use cases

By Marcus Williams Today’s cyber news we are tracking: Platform As A Service, Giving the IT world d business, Know your DAM use cases, and more… Platform As A Service Platform As A Service (PaaS) is slowly becoming popular in the IT industry. Organizations are beginning to invest in a quicker solution for their everydayRead… Read more »

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Sequester Cancels Navy Fleet Week – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Last week was a tragic one for our country, but if there was one bright spot it was the work of public servants. Oftentimes government workers are the butt of jokes or sneers, but when the manhunt ended last Friday, Boston turned out to cheer. We take a look at theRead… Read more »

NCDD member Pete Peterson running for CA Secretary of State!

I’m excited to share the news today that Pete Peterson of the Davenport Institute for Public Engagement & Civic Leadership (an organizational member of NCDD) just announced his candidacy for Secretary of State in California. Pete has been involved in NCDD since 2008, and I’m a huge fan of his. He was part of ourRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Lawmakers Looks For Ways Around Sequestration – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In the 2014 budget request the White House sent to Congress one of the few areas to not get cut dramatically was cybersecurity. But before we pour resources into protecting our networks from cyberattacks it is important to know from where and from who these attacks are coming. We take aRead… Read more »