Search Results for: cio

Cumulogic: A Team of former Sun Microsystems employees and a dynamic team of engineers passionate about cloud computing

I’ve been watching the incredible team of mission-focused technologists as form Cumulogic since my friend Bill Vass alerted me to their virtuous computing approaches in early 2011. Since then they have provided many updates on their website of their approach, partners, intent and technology. And technical marketing champion Laura Ventura of Cumulogic has supported myRead… Read more »

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Gov Reacts to the Boston Marathon – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We are on day 47 of the dreaded sequester and the new budget realities are starting to sink in for many agencies. More than half of the federal workforce will be hit with some for of furloughs. So how do you keep your team motivated? And how do you keep upRead… Read more »

Working: In times of tragedy

I think most people here today, you got up this morning and your heart just goes out to the people of Boston and people that are directly and personally effected by yesterday’s events. It’s hard, if not impossible, to think about yesterday’s tragedy without thinking of all of the things that we’ve had to endureRead… Read more »

The Reality of Single Actor Attacks

Kevin David Mitnick, former most wanted hacker and reformed security consultant Editor’s note: Timothy Coleman is a prolific writer and analyst who publishes frequently on topics of interest to operational technologists as well as strategic technology thinkers. Olivia Wilson is an award winning literary theorist. We will be bringing you more of their writings inRead… Read more »

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Attention California Tech Firms: Here is another reason to move to pro-tech-growth Virginia- MACH37

Virginia has a long history of technology innovation and pro-business/pro-growth policies. It is also blessed with a great mix of generally good weather, great recreation, fantastic engineering and computer science schools, and a state legislature and group of voters that consistently elect leaders who seek to keep taxes tolerable. When you add in the factRead… Read more »

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Fighting Waste, Fraud and Abuse through Analytics: Case Study from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

As part of GovLoop’s recent report, Unlocking the Power of Government Analytics, I had the opportunity to speak with staff members from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS staff provided expert insights on the importance of analytics to control waste, fraud and abuse. In 2010, CMS and the Department of Health andRead… Read more »

Cleversafe: Use cases highlighted at Storage Networking World

Storage Networking World is a twice a year gathering of technology professionals with deep interest and mission needs for modern storage systems. The last one was held April 2-4 in Orlando Florida. The next one will be October 15-17 in Long Beach California. If storage is your discipline you probably already know about this gathering.Read… Read more »

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Dialogue in an Era of Divisiveness: Upcoming ACR EPP Conference

Do you work in or study collaboration in public policy? Are you interested in health? Education? The environment? Do you want to learn more about participatory problem solving, finding common ground, and becoming a collaborative leader? The Association for Conflict Resolution’s Environment & Public Policy Section has an exciting conference planned for May 21-22, 2013Read… Read more »

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