Search Results for: research

Hoops Madness

In a world of opportunity and privilege, how do you stop and remember that not all live in that world? How do you give back to your community? For me personally, the notion of noblesse oblige, and giving back, has always been important. In my business, as well, one of our core beliefs and practicesRead… Read more »

Gov To Upgrade Retirement System? – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The political appointee is one of the most prized and most difficult positions in government. These individuals are plucked (mostly) from the private sector, dragged through the Senate confirmation process and handed the top-job at an agency. They are expected to lead, but often don’t have the tools necessary to manageRead… Read more »

To Telework On Sunny Days? – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Monday brought another round of winter weather to the DC metro region. The federal government was closed, but not for teleworkers. Teleworkers were able to continue on, business as usual. The question becomes, if telework is acceptable/necessary on days when the weather if foul, is telework also an advantage on days when the sun isRead… Read more »

The Telework Cost Benefit Argument – It’s Reduced Stress; No It’s Decreased Cost

Even before our most recent March snow day, the savings to the Federal government for employees who continue to work while at home has topped $32 million, based on a study conducted by the Global Workplace Analytics and Telework Research Network and quoted in the March 3th edition of Wired Workplace. The weather this winterRead… Read more »

OPM calls for changes in federal background checks – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Did you know that your sneakers are on the Internet? So are local city buses. Oh, and TV is one of the biggest web junkies around. So what is next? The DorobekINSIDER and his panel of experts look to the future of the Internet of Things. You can find all ofRead… Read more »

Preparing Government for the Internet of Things

Did you know that your sneakers are on the Internet? So are local city buses. Oh, and TV is one of the biggest web junkies around. As strange at this sounds, the proliferation of sensors and Internet connections on everyday items – on our ‘things’ – is at the heart of the Internet of ThingsRead… Read more »

New Pew Study Maps Twitter Conversations

We saw an intriguing article last month over at the PewResearch Internet Project that we thought might interest some of our social media- and tech-oriented members. Pew has compiled some very impressive amounts of data on the patterns that we can find in political conversation on Twitter that may hold insights for us as practitioners.Read… Read more »


Announcing In 1994 when the USGS launched it’s first website, the web was a very different place. Many websites that were launched had little consideration given to, or even had an understanding of, things such user experience, content strategies, or design. Over the next 20 years our USGS web presence has grown immensely asRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER LIVE: The Internet of Things for Government

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! We are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. For March’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE we are talking about the InternetRead… Read more »

Employee Engagement is Not an HR Function

Now that the White House has declared its intention to improve employee engagement throughout the Federal workforce, it’s a safe bet that we’ll be hearing that term a lot more in the next few years. And it’s an even safer bet that responsibility for this initiative will be tasked out to the human resources officesRead… Read more »